Scott Avedisian to Run for Mayor of Warwick
I just came from Scott Avedisian’s very well-attended big announcement.
Citing his record of building up budget surpluses, helping to stimulate $400M in private development, helping to make Warwick the 20th safest city in the nation, and working with non-profits on health care and human services issues, and saying that the Mayor’s office is the place where he feels he can do the most good on the issues most important to him — health care, the environment, creating a pro-business environment, and human services delivery — Mayor Avedisian announced that he will seek a fifth term as Mayor of Warwick.
Thanks for going and giving a report. As it is in my “backyard,” so to speak, I had intended on going. But power outages and a flooded basement precluded attendance! I still believe the recent weather is unique enough to not warrant purchasing a generator. We’ll see next year…As for the “big announcement,” I think it’s a good move on his part.
Are you effing kidding me? I’m done with Avedisian. D O N E.
The announcement we’ve all been waiting for? Give me a break.
Chike on it Scott because I’m done supporting cowards!
Hey “What”,
What did you hope he was going to announce? Just curious as to why his announcing for mayor is something you consider cowardice. Perhaps you thought a run against Langevin?
Obviously, people were interested in what he was doing, as the room at the hotel was very overcrowded. I think Avedesian did the right thing, all things considered. He obviously thought it through. His early announcement also clears the way for other Republicans considering runs for statewide office, who were holding out until they knew what Scott was going to run for.
You are correct some people are always interested in what the Mayor of Warwick has to say especially since he is a Democrat. RINO’s are just Democrats that have no testicular fortitude to tell the public who they really are. I guess that would be the same as a Liberal calling them self a Centrist. Keep up the fight and always remember.
Life Is Tough but It is Tougher if you Stupid.
As I would never dare disagree with you, as you are almost always right, I won’t in this case either. You are right, that under ideal political circumstances, if he were to be true to himself, his stated positions on so many issues would be far more consistent with those of the Democrat Party.
I’ve heard some discussion about the DINOs over on the liberal blog. Do you think they might be interested in an even swap for our RINOs? 😉
The Mayoralty of Warwick in and of itself is a significant place to be in for a state wide campaign.Warwick has a great voter base to start from for a state wide race.I don’t immediately know what percentage of state wide registered voters are from Warwick but it is large for sure.Philip Noel in 1972 went from the Mayoralty of Warwick to the Governorship, so it is significant office.
It is hard to predict elections sometimes but it would appear that Avedesian will probably be re-elected and be still be one of the leading elected Republican officeholders in the state.Assuming the Governor is re-elected which appears likely there will be few high profile Republican elected officials for sure.The possibility of either Sen.Chafee or Mayor Laffey getting the election for Inited States Senate is less certain than the Governor and Mayor Avedesian being re-elected.Either of them winning the United States Senate seat in 2006 will keep them as a high profile elected Republican officeholder.
The new name on the scene may be Cranston City Council member Allan Fung who plans to run as Mayor of Cranston to succeed Steve Laffey.I assume he has a serious chance of being elected Mayor Laffey’s successor.
Scott Bill Hirst
It’s good to see Avedisian stay in Warwick. He has done a good job managing the city and has been able to do so in a positive, cooperative manner. While some of his social views place him FAR to the left, he is fiscally conservative and for a mayor that’s all that matters.
He is also able to help Republican candidates get elected statewide. Republican candidates always need to win Warwick and Cranston in a general election in order to offset the loss that Providence hands Republican candidates. The political machine that Avedisian inherited from Chafee is well-organized and is usually able to give GOP candidates a better shot in that city (Avedisian, Stenhouse, Trillo, etc.) than they get in most other places in RI.
I have met 2 of the 3 people you mentioned at the end of your response and after I shake there hand, I wash mine. A RINO is a Democrat no matter what party affiliation that put at the end of there name. If a Political official could lie to your face they are slime.
A Ronald Reagan Republican