Murtha’s Flawed Plan
Earlier today, I described Congressman Jack Murtha’s plan for “redeploying” troops out of Iraq as appeasement. I explain why Congressman Murtha’s approach is deeply flawed in my latest TechCentralStation article.
Earlier today, I described Congressman Jack Murtha’s plan for “redeploying” troops out of Iraq as appeasement. I explain why Congressman Murtha’s approach is deeply flawed in my latest TechCentralStation article.
Let’s talk about this fact, Jack
Blogger Carroll Andrew Morse takes Congressman Murtha to task with his Jack Murtha and the Lessons of Vietnam over at Tech Central Station. He challenges Mr. Murtha’s contention that no economic progress has been achieved in Iraq pointing out that the …
Best rebuttal I’ve seen, you should have submitted this to WSJ, I gave them a heads up on it and again Kudos to the author