Senator Reed Votes For Open Borders
Senator Jack Reed was one of just 16 Senators to vote against building 370 miles of new fencing along the U.S-Mexico border.
Whatever their positions on guest worker and amnesty programs, is a vote for open borders really a vote that most Rhode Islanders support?
An Overview of Recent News & Opinions About Illegal Immigration Debate, Part V
Recent days have been particularly active times in the illegal immigration debate. Since it is difficult to keep up with all that is going on, this is the fifth of five postings which will present excerpts from a range of…
When you are not affected by the problems of an open border you shouldn’t vote against the people who are. I had to leave CA. because of illegal immigration. The drive-by shootings, fire bombings,gangs,drugs,and in your face people telling you it is their state and they are taking it back by, over-whellming us. It is a war without guns.
Mexicans are mexico’s second ecconomy, they send Billions of dollars home each year.
Only 2 percent work in the fields, the rest are in jobs like construction, roofing, resturants, hotels and gardning. Jobs Americans will do.
They cost Californians Billions of dollars for medical, schooling, housing, crime and paying for everything to be bi-lingual.
No to Amnisty
No to Citizenship
No to Anchor babys citizenship
No to guest worker citizenship
and no to politicians who support them.