Carcieri/Fogarty II: Open Thread
Apologies that I didn’t get this post set up sooner. Anchor Rising readers should feel free to use this thread to give their reactions to the WHJJ 920 AM gubernatorial debate between incumbent Donald Carcieri and Charles Fogarty on today’s Arlene Violet show.
Fogarty is the definition of an “empty suit”. The lt. gov’s job is self-admittedly the best and most high-paying job Fogarty has ever held. Anyone who thinks that Fogarty is better-qualified than Carcieri to run the state of RI is smoking something.
Fogarty is the definition of an “empty suit”. The lt. gov’s job is self-admittedly the best and most high-paying job Fogarty has ever held. Anyone who thinks that Fogarty is better-qualified than Carcieri to run the state of RI is smoking something.
Charlie deserves an Academy Award for keeping a straight face while saying the most unbelievable things. On the Arlene debate, for example, he had the nerve to chastize the Governor about budget choices.
What do you know about choices, Charlie? You and your friends have never made any. You say yes to everyone!
Didn’t hear the debate. Was Arlene Violet as obnoxious and overbearing as Dan Yorke says she was? She denied the governor at least two rebuttal opportunities and asked 1 minute long, 8 part questions?? I find that very believable. Arlene needs to go bye bye. Her shameless advocacy for the casino should be investigated by the FCC.
I attended the radio debate over at RIC, which Arlene moderated. I’m not always in agreement with Dan, but Arlene was terribly obnoxious (even more than usual!). The question and answers were done machine gun style, like rat-a-tat-tat, to the point that no one could really develop any meaningful answers to anything asked within the time alloted, and then there was even less time to rebut anything. She also seemed to spend a lot more time asking the questions, than allowing answers.
I know you can’t read body language over radio, but as I was there, I thought the governor at one point was going to tell her off, after she repeatedly interupted him — she came across as very rude. He also made a very “italian” hand gesture when his time expired, which roughly translated, would be “forgetaboutit”. For some reason, I think he would have preferred to use a different one, but he was being his normal polite and gubernatorial self.
Didn’t catch this debate, but having listened to her Chafee-Laffey debate, I can vouch for her overbearing style as moderator.
The gov was interrupted because he kept going over the time limit. There are rules to a debate you know