OPEN FORUM: RI GOP Leadership Races

OK, here you go. I know that the conversation has started around here already, so this Forum is an attempt to centralize the discussion about the upcoming RI GOP leadership races. State your case, keep it clean and try to stay away from innuendo. Have at it.

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18 years ago

In conjunction with his announcement, Mr. Cote has released a detailed plan describing what he would like to accomplish as chair… In the simplest of terms, the mission of the Rhode Island Republican Party is to elect more Republicans in Rhode Island. How this mission is most effectively carried out is a function of the following components: Fundraising Candidate Recruitment Message Development Resource Allocation Following is our vision for fulfilling the mission of RI GOP to ensure its success in 2008. We highly recommend a team approach with two experienced leaders that have the ability to represent the Republican Party to the media or otherwise when the other is unavailable. David Coté and Joseph White represent the best combination of such a team. Fundraising Reach out to existing and prospective high level donors for direct personal solicitation by the Chairman. Prospective donors should be selected based on their affiliation with business networks, government reform networks, and other networks inclined to support the RI GOP platform. Grow the Finance Committee / Anchors component to maximize the benefit of well connected RI GOP supporters. Solicit the support of Republican elected officials in Rhode Island and beyond, the Republican National Committee, the Republican Governor’s Association, the National Federation of Republican Assemblies, and other groups that may be able to offer speakers, headliners and other avenues for attracting donors to the party and to fundraising events. Maintain a consistent direct mail and email solicitation effort of the existing RI GOP house file and targeted prospecting lists. Investigate standard options available to State Political Parties that allow for raising money from areas outside of Rhode Island. Candidate Recruitment Number one is the support of local GOP grassroots committees. Unite local GOP’s to achieve our Republican defined common objectives. Identify districts with vulnerable / narrowly elected… Read more »

Scott Bill Hirst
Scott Bill Hirst
18 years ago

2008 will be a tough year in Rhode Island for candidate recruitment on the GOP side.I expect to run locally.
Obviously Democrat Amy Rice in her Rhode Island State House seat would appear the most vunerable Democratic General assembly member.If Robataille(sp?) runs against her next time he could be a winner but if their is a democratic tide he will have to be especially active to counter it.
I assume the Bruce Long Rhode Island House seat may be hard to protect by the GOP,.Also State Sen.June Gibbs is in her 80’s and the question needs to be how long does she plan to run.I like June a long committed Republican.
It may be difficult for the GOP to protect its incumbents in the Rhode Island General Assembly.Of course some General Assembly Democrats in competitive areas may retire or run for another office.
In the Joe Scott seat it may be difficult to beat him although I expect the GOP to try.We lost that one when Joe left the Republicans to become a Democrat. I like Joe personally.I will remember the difficulty he had being a Republican National Convention Delegate in 2004.
The Rhode Island Republican leadership needs to learn why they turn off their “grass roots” which is small enough to begin with.

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