RI GOP Leadership Race: Governor Carcieri Publicly Endorses Gio Cicione
Via N4N comes news that Govenor Carcieri has issued a press release endorsing Gio Cicione as RI GOP Chair:
“Giovanni Cicione has played an active role in the Rhode Island Republican Party, and I am confident that he has the experience and the energy to continue building the party in the state,” Governor Carcieri said. “He is a well-respected attorney who is known for his sharp intellect and a keen understanding of politics and policy.
“Gio and I share a vision of a Republican Party that is a vital, active and inclusive organization that reaches out to diverse communities throughout Rhode Island,” Carcieri continued. “We also both strongly believe that a two-party system would be healthy for our state’s future. Like me, Gio is dedicated to uniting the party, to raising money, to growing the ranks of Republicans in our state, and to fielding candidates who offer our citizens a real choice in whom they elect to represent them.”
“I very much respect the experience and enthusiasm demonstrated by other candidates for this position,” Carcieri said. “And I appreciate their willingness to take on this important role.”
“That said, I strongly support Giovanni Cicione to lead the Rhode Island Republican Party,” Carcieri concluded.
Talk about it HERE. (Well, OK, you can comment here if you want.)
UPDATE: Saturday’s ProJo story about the Governor’s endorsement also gives details about the other candidates:
Four Republicans expressed interest by the close of business yesterday and will be interviewed by the party’s nominating committee this morning. The committee will pass along its recommendations to the full convention, which is set to vote March 15.
Aside from [Gio] Cicione, the chairman candidates include Dave Cote, chairman of the South Kingstown Republican Town Committee; Robert “Gunner” Kenny, a Providence man active with the state party in recent years; and Tammy Turcotte-Raposo, a member of the Warwick Republican Town Committee.
Interesting timing, considering the Nominations Committee is meeting tomorrow morning. A Press Release was sent out, supposedly on the governor’s behalf. Although I am a supporter of the governor, I for one do not believe he had anything directly to do with the press release, other than perhaps acquiescing to it. He’s been tied up with the budget. Until we hear it directly from the governor’s lips, no one is going to buy it.
Anyway, I just checked with the relevant parties, and they are still going ahead with their interviews tomorrow.
Perhaps they feel Gio would be easier to control?
Remember Kerry King!
I’d be very suprised if the press release isn’t legitimate, but I would like to comment on some other matters. Corruption Will, you made an earlier comment that was accurate about the so-called corruption rants. It bears repeating. Does anybody honestly think that people who got paid to help the party were “corrupt” in any way? I don’t. When I hear those types of unsubstantiated allegations made, I just stop reading the comment. This should be a discussion about priorities and performace, not ethics. I believe that most of the people who got paid were doing their best. The question is whether their performance justified their pay and whether adjustments need to be made in the future. Status Quo The last time I recall a big status quo versus change argument, it was when Brad Gorham challenged Bernie Jackvony. Gorham was the “grassroots” candidate who was supposed to bring about change and Jackvony was the establishment candidate. Well, Jackvony won, but Gorham got his chance a couple of years later. The result was a complete collapse of the RI GOP under Gorham. In 2002, Carcieri was supported by the grassroots in a GOP primary against the Almond-endorsed establishment candidate, Bennett. Carcieri won and has done a good job since. I’m not even sure why people who identify themselves as “grassroots activists” would oppose Carcieri’s choice. His win was the biggest win for RI conservative grassroots activists in the past 30 years. My point in mentioning this is to refute the strange belief that the so-called “grassroots” agenda has been locked out. The grassroots agenda has been implemented at times, sometimes with positive results and sometimes with negative results. Law Under the law, the Governor is the party leader of his or her respected leader, so deference is usually given to… Read more »
“From what I can tell, both Dave and Gio are committed to helping Republicans succeed in RI and are reasonable people.”
And Joe White has a track record of doing exactly that. We appear to have an embarassment of riches.
While I am not altogether comfortable with the decision that party expenditures in 2006 be consultant rather than candidate weighted, your comment about ethics not having a place in the discussion of the fees is spot on, Anthony.
I do not have a vote in this race.
The bigger question is this:Will the Governor really back Mr.Cicione?That I mean by sending a mailing to State Central Committee members supporting him?
Will others be asked to drop out?Reportedly the grapevine was that one of the current two State Committee Vice Chairs either asked or suggested to one possibly both of them (Cote or White) to withdraw.
Will a secret ballot be allowed as it has at least sometimes in the past?
What will the Governor and the new State Chair do about the ESTRANGEMENT from the Rhode Island Republican party many “grass roots” people have?
Finally will the voters be allowed to pick most national convention delegates and alternate delegates in a primary election?
Will the talents of the “rank and file” be better utilized and respected?
When recruiting candidates and working with local Republican committees will only promises that actually be fulfilled be made?
Will the mistakes of the past be corrected and analyzed?
I do not have a vote in this race.
The bigger question is this:Will the Governor really back Mr.Cicione?That I mean by sending a mailing to State Central Committee members supporting him?
Will others be asked to drop out?Reportedly the grapevine was that one of the current two State Committee Vice Chairs either asked or suggested to one possibly both of them (Cote or White) to withdraw.
Will a secret ballot be allowed as it has at least sometimes in the past?
What will the Governor and the new State Chair do about the ESTRANGEMENT from the Rhode Island Republican party many “grass roots” people have?
Finally will the voters be allowed to pick most national convention delegates and alternate delegates in a primary election?
Will the talents of the “rank and file” be better utilized and respected?
When recruiting candidates and working with local Republican committees will only promises that actually be fulfilled be made?
Will the mistakes of the past be corrected and analyzed?
I meant exactly what I said, and I didn’t think it was exactly veiled. Scott is correct in that one of the people that has been putting the squeeze on people is a current party officer. There is another gentleman that’s relatively well know for filing libel suits, and I’ll leave it at that.
I do have a vote in the race. To answer the question, it will be a secret ballot, assuming that there are multiple candidates for the offices. An interesting occurance would happen, if all the candidates dropped out (which they won’t), the Secretary, who is currently Dave Cote, would be the one to cast the 1 vote in the affirmative. At present, there are 4 people running for chair, 3 people running for 1st vice-chair, and 3 people running for 2nd vice-chair. Secretary and Treasurer are uncontested.
As Ronald Reagan once said, the “status quo” is latin for the mess we’re in. We’re in a mess and it will take people who are committed to changing the party’s culture, not going along to get along to change that.
PS Did you read Moakley’s comments about contested elections being messy? Guess she prefers communism.
Scott. Loose lips sink ships. If someone is giving you inside information about what the Republican party brass are doing, keep your mouth closed and enjoy it. Or talk about it quietly to your friends. Don’t post it on a public website for some commie reporter at the Providence Journal to use for a slanted story. (You don’t support commies, do you, Scott?)
>>one of the people that has been putting the squeeze on people is a current party officer.
There is nothing nefarious about this. Wheeling and dealing is part of politics.
“There is nothing nefarious about this. Wheeling and dealing is part of politics.”
All the reason more to expose the insider.
Do the following names mean anything?
Celona, Montalbano, Irons, Montonaro, Blue Cross, CVS, Roger Williams University……….
We need leadership that exposes this type of behavior. We need leadership that is going to fight everyday to stop this kind of behavior in this State.
Scott may support the occassional commie, but…
From what I understand, the RIGOP Nominating Committee had quite the meeting this morning and afternoon. Apparently some of them still think there’s a US Senate race going on. Following Ralph’s advice, I shall refrain from elaborating further, and enjoy the info. This is going to be a very fun two weeks!
C’mon, Ralph. Be a sport. Urging people not to discuss the meeting in this forum is very Celona- and Montalbanoesque behavior, if you ask me.
fyi: news release
If something is true, there can be no libel.
With Dave Cote’s withdrawal as a State GOP State Chair,the contest for all practical purposes’s is over.It was surprising that the GOP nominating committee picked John Robitaille over Mia Caetano Johnson for First Vice Chair.Mia I understand was unofficially aligned with Gio.I don’t know any of these three.
It is probably a political mistake no woman is on the GOP State Officer’s slate.I do not know Mia.
However I have become acquainted with Karen Salvatore.She is an energetic person,”doer”,and ran twice for State Representative coming between 200 votes twice against Democrat Donald Lally for his State House seat.In addition she is a former Miss Rhode Island and was the mover/leader of D.O.T. Watch.An impressive person.
I assume she will not continue her candidacy with “Dave” Cote’s withrawal.The same I assume “Joe” White will not continue his candidacy for First Vice State Chair of the Rhode Island GOP.
Clarification:Karen Salvatore fiked for Second Vice Chairman of the Rhode Island GOP.Matt Woycik received the Nominating committee nod against her.
I do not know what candidates will stay in the officers races or will drop out!
Clarification:Karen Salvatore fiked for Second Vice Chairman of the Rhode Island GOP.Matt Woycik received the Nominating committee nod against her.
I do not know what candidates will stay in the officers races or will drop out!
Clarification:Karen Salvatore fiked for Second Vice Chairman of the Rhode Island GOP.Matt Woycik received the Nominating committee nod against her.
I do not know what candidates will stay in the officers races or will drop out!
Dave is supporting the governor’s choice in the interest of “party unity.” It became increasingly obvious that the race wasn’t going to be about qualifications or experience. If they want it so bad, let ’em have it.
It is my understanding that Joe White and Karen Salvatore will keep their names on the ballot for 1st and 2nd vice-chairs positions, respectively.