RI GOP Gets Executive Director

In his interview with Dan Yorke, RI GOP Chair Gio Cicione mentioned that he thought it would be a good idea for the party to have an Executive Director. And now it does (via ProJo’s Political Scene column):

Cicione has hired Donna (DePetro) Perry — sister of radio talk show personality John DePetro, and former communications aide to Carcieri, former U.S. Rep. Ronald Machtley and the Republican National Committee — as the state GOP’s new executive director/director of communications. Her salary? TBA.
An anchor/reporter for WPRO News in the late 1980s and an on-air anchor/reporter for a 24-hour cable news channel in the New York/New Jersey area in the late 1990s, Perry also did a stint with the Women’s National Republican Club in Manhattan. Cicione also gave Andrew Berg, who has been a deputy to the Party, a new title: director of operations.

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Perry Ellis
Perry Ellis
17 years ago

Lets keep an eye on disbursements.

Francois Roy
Francois Roy
17 years ago

Another hack? Hope this guy can do a better job.

David Davis
David Davis
17 years ago

Hey Francois:
Check your facts before you spew sewage. “he?”
Donna Perry was a woman

Talie Perry
Talie Perry
17 years ago

I know her…she is well-deserving of this job.

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