Rhode Island: Where Pols Are Afraid You’ll Know Their Names
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted yesterday to “hold for further study” the bill introduced by Senators June Gibbs (R-Little Compton/Middletown/Newport/Tiverton) and David Bates (R-Barrington/Bristol) that would abolish straight-ticket party voting in Rhode Island general elections. The House tabled a similar bill at the end of March.
Apparently, Rhode Island Democrats are afraid that they can’t win elections amongst the voters who actually know their names!
Only the most good ‘ol boy Democrat (certainly not a liberal one!!!) could support straight-ticket party voting.
Time to join the 21st century, General Assembly.
Connecticut prohibits a master lever for voting and the state constitutional amedment was approved in that state not than many years ago.Obviously in a strictly partisan sense a master lever is generally beneficial for Democrats in Rhode Island as they are clearly the dominant party.