RI Senate Approves Moving Presidential Primary to February 5
The Rhode Island Senate passed the bill to move Rhode Island’s Presidential primary date up to February 5th. Katherine Gregg of the Projo has the early calendar…
At least 23 states — with more than half the country’s population — have shifted or are considering shifting their presidential primaries or caucuses to early February, right after Iowa (Jan. 14), Nevada (Jan. 19), New Hampshire (Jan. 22), and possibly South Carolina and Florida (Jan. 29) kick off the process.However, take that Florida date with a grain of salt. According to the Associated Press (via Breitbart.com), the national parties have taken steps to make sure that no one new can move ahead of the February 5th national primary…
National Republican and Democratic leaders have said they will take away delegates to the nominating conventions if Florida moves its primary earlier than Feb. 5. The Democratic National Committee has said a candidate who campaigns in Florida for a primary earlier than Feb. 5 will be ineligible for receiving any of the state’s delegates.Now there’s a truly bi-partisan measure that I can support!
“National Republican and Democratic leaders have said they will take away delegates to the nominating conventions if Florida moves its primary earlier than Feb. 5. The Democratic National Committee has said a candidate who campaigns in Florida for a primary earlier than Feb. 5 will be ineligible for receiving any of the state’s delegates.”
Alelujah! At the rate we were going, we’d have been running two primaries at all times – the one four years hence and the one eight years hence.
At the risk of raining on the RI Senate’s parade, if Rhode Island moves its primaries back as far as it can, along with lots of other states, won’t candidates simply focus on the states with the most votes? I’m not sure what we are accomplishing squishing ourselves in with the rest of the pack.
“I’m not sure what we are accomplishing squishing ourselves in with the rest of the pack.”
It’s called rearranging deck chairs.
An irrevelant exercise.