Simply Irresponsible

Forget for a minute the philosophical and policy objections to the new illegal immigration bill before the US Senate.
Consider how the Senate debate on this enormously important matter is being rushed, as noted by Senator DeMint:

The Senate is scheduled to begin debate on the immigration plan this Monday, and yet we still haven’t seen the bill. In fact, we’re hearing the bill has not even been completed. This issue is far too important to jam into a couple days. It would be irresponsible for Congress to pass a long, complicated immigration bill that it knows very little about. Americans expect us to take our time and get this right.
As we understand it, this plan will grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants by allowing them to permanently stay here without ever having to return to their home countries. This can be fixed, but it will take time and there is no way the Senate can responsibly complete this debate in one week.

Those words follow these comments by Senator DeMint one day earlier:

I hope we don’t take a thousand page bill written in secret and try to ram it through the Senate in a few days. This is a very important issue for America and we need time to debate it.
But the little we do know about the bill is troubling. According to reports, the bill contains a new ‘Z Visa’ that allows those who entered our country illegally to stay here permanently without ever returning home. This rewards people who broke the law with permanent legal status, and puts them ahead of millions of law-abiding immigrants waiting to come to America. I don’t care how you try to spin it, this is amnesty.

The Senator has also written this thoughtful op-ed piece.

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17 years ago

Is it time for a U.S Congress rule reform that says no beginning a floor debate on a bill until the version under discussion has been available online for at least 48 hours?

17 years ago

For all the Bush-lovers here who were happy to scrap the Constitution for his promise of “Homeland Security”-Told ‘ya so!

Anchor Rising
17 years ago

And, Just In Case You Weren’t Already Upset Enough…

Another disgusting piece of information about the US Senate bill on illegal immigration trickles out: The Bush administration insisted on a little-noticed change in the bipartisan Senate immigration bill that would enable 12 million undocumented reside…

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