Budget Deficit? Pushaw! We need a new Courthouse!
After all the wailing and gnashing of teeth over the budget….and the tone deaf Legislature still approved the freakin’ courthouse in Lincoln (as reported by Dan Yorke). I guess I understand, I mean, what kind of dent could a measly $71 million put in a $300 million deficit, right? Um…..
If only the Governor and the Republican Party had a friggin idea how to use the media properly, this would look really bad for the Dems. Of course, since the Reps in this state are either double agents or impotent morons, the Democrats will walk away from this without a scratch and the Gov will end up eating the blame.
Even aside from the serious budget problems. The courts in Providence have a parking problem. Fine. Can we address that problem in Providence rather than build a $71,000,000 monument to an egomaniac?
By the way, quick heads up to Speaker Murphy and Chief Justice Williams. We need another jail a lot more than we need another courthouse.
I was debating whether or not to post on this topic, because it’s just absurd.
The thought that RI would consider building a new courthouse at this time is ridiculous. Actually approving the proposal is absurd.
They want to build a new courthouse in Lincoln because the population in the Blackstone Valley has increased? The state’s population has barely increased and we’re concerned because a couple of hundred people might have to drive an extra 10 minutes to get to a courthouse? It’s not like this is California, it’s Rhode Island!
100 years ago, judges used to ride the circuit to go the people. Now judges seek millions of dollars to build temple-like testaments to their egos.
Is there a site where we can find out how our legislators voted on this and other issues?
What should deeply trouble the citizens of Rhode Island is how will the court find a way to pay the legislature back for their extreme generosity?
We know our courts are as corrupt and political as any other element within state government.
When is payback coming and in what ruling?
>>By the way, quick heads up to Speaker Murphy and Chief Justice Williams. We need another jail a lot more than we need another courthouse.
But Frank Williams doesn’t want his name on a jail.
Justice Williams, acolyte of Abraham Lincoln, wants his name on a COURTHOUSE in LINCOLN!
You can find roll-call vote information in the section of the General Assembly website.
The information is complete, in the sense that roll calls on floor amendments as well as final bills are all there. I also believe the text of amendments are written directly into the journals.
However, the information is sorted chronologically, i.e. in the order that votes were taken, so you have the know the number of the bill you are looking for and the day it was voted on in order to find an official tally.
The June 15th journal, which contains the budget floor debate, should be posted early this week.
Isn’t Williams a Republican?
Didn’t McManus (R-Lincoln) sign a letter supporting it?
Pat, Don’t know and don’t care. The fact is it’s a waste of money at this time, regardless of who the proponents are. Besides, we aren’t exactly lockstep RI Republicans around here…
Nice try at going for some sort of “hypocrisy” angle, though…;)
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