Blame Democrats in Congress for High Gas Prices

Turns out President Bush is only partially to blame for the high gas prices….(h/t and a wink)

An eagle-eyed Senate GOP aide, perusing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Web site, calls attention to her assertion there that “Americans are paying more than double for gas than when President Bush first took office.”
She says the average price per gallon when he took office in 2001 was $1.47 and had reached $3.22 by May 21.
So that means gas prices went up by $1.75 a gallon over six years. But more than half of that increase, 90 cents, our source says, has come in the past six months — the six months that she’s been speaker of the House. Our source says the average price per gallon on Jan. 3, the day before she became speaker, was $2.32.

More here. Personally, I blame it on the Red Sox signing Dice-K. Ever since then….

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17 years ago

I think the blame belongs entirely upon the shoulders of the media hacks who are trying so hard to make the news look so bleak for America.

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