Introducing the Ocean State Policy Research Institute

In an op-ed in today’s Projo, William Felkner introduces the Ocean State Policy Research Institute (OSPRI) and explains why such an organization is desperately needed here in Rhode Island…

Ironically, Rhode Island is stuck in a “conservative” cycle protecting the “liberal” status quo of excessive workplace rules, generous social programs, retentive regulation, entrenched unionism in state government and Horace Mann’s approach to education. Harking to the days of the Dorr War (1842) and the Bloodless Revolution (1935), our oligarchy is unwilling to risk the progress it has made by reassessing these circumstances lest the robber barons should rise from their graves.
A voice for a more independent perspective has been missing on the Rhode Island scene until this Independence Day heralded the founding of the Ocean State Policy Research Institute. This nonprofit foundation intends to promote free-market ideals not as partisan choices, but as foundational American aspirations no less worthy of consideration than socially collective compassion epitomized by the Great Society.
Rhode Island is replete with a collection of “special-interest groups” promoting government intervention as the solution. Such groups as the Poverty Institute, at Rhode Island College, Ocean State Action and other nonprofits and public institutions lobby for more government programs and spending. Paradoxically, your taxes fund part of this activity, effectively government lobbying itself in a spiral to budget insanity…Evidence from the solid accomplishments of free-market institutes in 46 other states suggests that Rhode Island should re-examine the prevailing ‘’wisdom” that expanding government is the way to solve problems.

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17 years ago

They have a website in devleopment too at:

Bobby Oliveira
Bobby Oliveira
17 years ago

so we finally admit that the “Education Partnership” is a failure, that really silly whatever they called themselves Manusch organization is a failure, and now we’ve created another joke organization.
How exciting. More people I get to screw with. Wait, a minute, it’s the same people, they just change names from time to time.

17 years ago

Bobby Oliviera: Protecting the broken status quo at any cost.
My hero.

17 years ago

Bobby Oliviera, telling the Righties the truth they don’t wont to hear.
My hero.

17 years ago

Bobby Oliviera, telling the Righties the truth they don’t want to hear.
My hero.

17 years ago

What’s funnier Bobby Oliveira thinking he matters or Pat Crowley thinking at all? lol It’s a toss-up!

Bobby Oliveira
Bobby Oliveira
17 years ago

Dear Tim,
I may not matter but I get what I want. That’s more than can be said for you.

Justin Katz
17 years ago

Gee, BO, you’re a shining example of integrity and altruism. Well, congrats on “getting what you want” at the expense of us working stiffs.

Bill Felkner
Bill Felkner
17 years ago

Thanks for the post.
Bobby O.,
I’m flattered that there are erroneous rumors in only our first week of operation (unless you just made it up, but its still flattering). Please enlighten me. Who are “the same people, they just change names from time to time.”

17 years ago

Forget it, Bill. They’re on to you. You’re really Bob Arruda, former head of OCG. No one’s ever seen the two of you together, have they …?
(Excellent Op Ed, by the way.)

17 years ago

With the costs borne “on the backs of” taxpayers for teachers pensions having nearly TRIPLED over the last and showing all signs of a “death spiral” of continued exponential growth, the laughter of Reback, Walsh, Crowley and their ilk is growing short. The marks are out of money-there are no more pockets to pick. The 401K’s are “a comin'”.

17 years ago

How does one get in touch with this particular organization…or just get in touch with Felkner?

Bill Felkner
Bill Felkner
17 years ago

You can reach me at We will make a formal announcement when the website is completed.

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