Fatherland, Socialism, or …er …uh …Something Better, Maybe?
A number of blogs have made note of the Pew Research Center global opinion study showing that the number of people who believe that suicide bombings are justified is dropping across the Muslim world.
Here’s another stat from the same study. The number of people in Venezuela who believe that “most people are better off in a free market economy, even though some people are rich and some people are poor” stands at 72% — higher than any other Latin American country listed! That’s a very noteworthy stat in a country whose President’s motto is “Fatherland, Socialism, or Death”.
There’s nothing like living under actual socialism to drive up support for capitalism.
I am waiting to see the flotilla to Cuba filled with people who need sound medical care from that country. If anything, the doctors of Cuba would rather come our way (see Jacob Laksin’s essay in http://frontpagemag.com/today).
Just stumbled onto your blog. Great writing and happy to see a Rhodie guy with some sensible politics. Since I left, you must be the one remaining non-Lefty.
As they used to say back in the USSR:
It started with “To each according to his need and from each according to his ability.”
It ended with “They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work.”
A couple of months ago I was riding in the car with my 10 year old daughter.
I had on an oldies station and they were playing the Beatles “Back in the USSR”.
The conversation went something like this:
The Kid: Dad?
Me: Yes?
The Kid: What’s the USSR?
Me: Thank you Ronald Reagan…
Is there a more symbolic person in this regard than Ayn Rand?
Support for capitalism in Venezuela has gone up 9% since the last survey (2002 – 2007).
It’s also interesting that a majority of Venezuelans (55 vs 26) think Castro has not been good for Cuba. And solid majorities in 5 countries have little or no confidence in Chavez.
Dear Carroll,
Those 73% are wrong. Venezuela is a far superior country to live in that the United States, and Mr. Hugo Chavez is a humanitarian and a man of the people. Unlike President Bush, who is a murderous dictator who has taken away all of our rights.
If you need me, I’ll be at my 10,000 square foot house in Marin County.
Cindy Sheehan
Under this theory there would be more support for capitalism in Massachusetts then there in fact is.
It’s probably easier for the supporters of capitalism to move out of Massachusetts then to move out of Venezuela.
It’s probably easier for the supporters of capitalism to move out of Massachusetts then to move out of Venezuela.
People in Venezuala Don’t Like Socialism
From Anchor Rising: The number of people in Venezuela who believe that “most people are better off in a free market economy, even though some people are rich and some people are poor” stands at 72% — higher than any other Latin American country listed…