Yet More News You Can Hsuse

According to the Associated Press, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has moved from returning campaign contributions received directly from Norman Hsu ($23,000) to returning all contributions raised and/or bundled by Mr. Hsu (about $850,000). According to the Wall Street Journal, many other prominent Democrats have also announced that they will be returning any of their contributions associated with Mr Hsu…

More Democrats announced yesterday that they would dispose of funds that Mr. Hsu gave or raised, including Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York ($25,000), Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts ($35,000), Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu ($11,700), Montana Sen. Jon Tester ($4,750), Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill ($20,700) and Pennsylvania Rep. Joseph Sestak ($2,500). Others have given their money to charity, including Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, whose campaign received $2,000 in March from Mr. Hsu.
Do Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressman Patrick Kennedy intend to take similar actions with regards to any of their contributions raised with the help of Mr. Hsu?
And does the RI State Democratic party have any plans to announce what it intends to do with the $11,000 it received directly from Mr. Hsu?

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16 years ago

“And does the RI State Democratic party have any plans to announce what it intends to do with the $11,000 it received directly from Mr. Hsu?”
This is old news. Why are you harping on it? Anyway, isn’t Mr. Hsu entitled to his day in court?
… oh, right. Well, anyway, nothing to see here. Move along.
Bill Lynch

Tim Raymond
16 years ago

Speaking of Patches, check out today. There is a link to a story about a very questionable organization, a John Murtha special, that Patches is an honorary board member and also has recieved campaign contributions from.

16 years ago

The list of those who have committed Hsu-icide.

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