NEA “Pay Cut” Analysis Hostage Day Count: Day 4

Still nothing from the NEA so the “pay cut” analysis hostage day count continues. Day 4 is now history.
We eagerly await a response! The offer to post it here on Anchor Rising remains open.
Prove us wrong and we will admit to it. Or ‘fess up that your claim about East Greenwich teachers taking a “pay cut” is false. It is put-up-or-shut-up time.
Until we see a quantitative financial analysis response from the NEA, we will continue with daily blog posts noting that their “pay cut” analysis is being held hostage at NEARI against the wishes of East Greenwich taxpaying residents.

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Pat Crowley
17 years ago

Sorry Don, but since when are you the spokesperson for the School Committee? Is that an official title or are you self-appointed?

17 years ago

Less talky talky, duck boy. And more numbers.

Pat Crowley
17 years ago

intelligent as ever, Greg

17 years ago

Takes a monosyllabic thug to know one, Ducky.

17 years ago

Hi Pat,
I do not see why this is so difficult. Can you or can you not refute Don’s analysis with actual numbers? It is a simple yes or no question.
If the answer is yes, please submit a well thought out rebuttal with actual figures.

Tom W
Tom W
17 years ago

>>but since when are you the spokesperson for the School Committee?
Mr. Crowley:
NEARI has put the “pay cut” assertion out to the public.
Thus this assertion is no longer a “school committee” matter to be exclusively “discussed” and “negotiated” in “closed session.”
So stop hiding behind the skirts of the school committee and negotiations process when you find it convenient – you / NEARI’s put this into the public domain; so transparent is your attempt to “skirt” the issue now that you’ve being called on it.

Donald B. Hawthorne
Donald B. Hawthorne
17 years ago

What a joke, Pat! You need to get a more imaginative playbook.
Since when would a media source like Anchor Rising or an individual reporter/opinion writer like me ever claim to be the spokesperson for the East Greenwich School Committee? What a silly idea!
Good investigative reporting pursues issues across the spectrum. Which is why history shows I have targeted hypocritical actions by spineless politicians and bureaucrats just like I now shred hypocritical actions by the NEA. Ask former East Greenwich superintendents Barbara Sirotin or Mike Jolin or former Business Director Al Brockman, three of the most incompetent individuals I have ever worked with anywhere. Or just ask some former East Greenwich School Committee members. I have also criticized President Bush’s No Child Left Behind bill.
Without a whole lot of effort, I quickly found these examples to prove my point: See here, here, here, here, and here.
Nope, Anchor Rising is just a member of the new media doing its own independent investigative reporting by using publicly-available information – in this situation – to challenge the NEA’s “pay cut” claim.
Anchor Rising is exercising its First Amendment rights under the freedom of the press to challenge the NEA’s public claims.
I can understand why having the NEA’s lie about “pay cuts” exposed makes you feel uncomfortable. But that is your problem, not mine.
And, for new readers, our latest investigative report is here.
John and TomW have it right.
The ball is in the NEA’s court to put forth an analysis for public scrutiny just like I have done on Anchor Rising. Otherwise, expect to see hostage day count posts every day until the NEA does so.
It is put-up-or-shut-up time for the NEA, Pat.

17 years ago

The NEA is nothing but a bunch of liars and punks. Don’t expect anything forthcoming from them to refute this fact.

17 years ago

This is really, really embarrassing for this Pat fellow. Nice work.

17 years ago

Don Hawthorne – is there an email I can reach you at…outside of this blog?

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