No Dearth of Choices for Rhode Island Republicans!

According to an official press release from the Rhode Island Secretary of State’s office, the names appearing on your official 2008 Rhode Island Republican Presidential ballot will be…

  • Hugh Cort
  • Rudy Giuliani
  • Mike Huckabee
  • Duncan Hunter
  • Alan Keyes
  • John McCain
  • Ron Paul
  • Mitt Romney
  • Fred Thompson

On February 1, the Secretary of State will hold a lottery to determine the order candidates will appear on the ballot.

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16 years ago

Yup, that would be 9 Republican candidates, and only 4 Democrat ones. Not bad for a virtually non-existent Republican Party. 😉

Chris Barnett
16 years ago

There is another sign that Republicans did very well while collecting the signatures of Rhode Island voters in December. Of the seven candidates who submitted more than 2,000 certified signatures, five were Repubicans. It is also easy to see that voter interest in this year’s presidential primary is unusally high. In 2004, just one candidate — President Bush — exceeded 2,000 signatures. To see the final signature tallies of every candidate, visit<>.

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