A Rare Zen Moment of Simplicity

Roger Simon frames the debate:

While watching the endless pundit blather on TV tonight after the Republican Michigan Primary and Democratic Nevada Debate and reading the various opinion meisters commentaries online, I had one of those rare zen moments of simplicity. It all comes down to a simple question:
Who would you like to be in the White House if Pakistan fell to al Qaeda and the Islamists gained control of its nuclear arsenal?
Answer that question and you will know your candidate. All the rest, as they say, is commentary.

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16 years ago

Before 1/20/08, George W. Bush.
After that, Rudy.

16 years ago

oops, ’09

Justin Katz
16 years ago

Well, I’d wager that’s the conclusion to which Simon (a social liberal) wants you to come, George, but I’m skeptical of the claim that all of the other Republican candidates would behave in a substantively different manner in the hypothetical circumstances.

16 years ago

mccain-because they would get no wiggle room and he is the only first tier candidate on either side with an experience of war-i’m not sure about ron paul-he served as a doctor in the USAF,but i don’t know if he was in Nam-hillary would base her decision on focus groups and advice from dirtbags like sid blumenthal and mandy grunwald-i think obama would likely be indecisive-forget edwards-i don’t trust giuliani or romeny;duncan hunter would be the best choice but that’s not happening-what would the president do?i guess that’s why we elect them-it’s real easy to make a decision from the keyboard at home-there are no consequences

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