Cost of Government – Schools

Working off of the data provided by the ProJo, I’ve come up with a few lists of what it costs per resident of every city and town in the state to pay the salaries (important: salary only, benefits not included) of each state and local government employee. To start, here is the data on Schools (statewide average and median are color-coded).

Keep in mind that some towns control their own elementary and/or middle schools, but share regional High Schools. More to follow.

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Thomas Schmeling
Thomas Schmeling
16 years ago

Nice chart. Thanks for doing the work.
It’s probably also useful to recognize that some communities have higher proportions of children than others so that, even if two communities are spending the same amount per resident, they might be spending different amounts per student.

16 years ago

Thomas, Good point. I’m viewing this through the Projo info though, and will (hopefully) be publishing data for the various other sectors of government. But back to your point: it would be interesting to counterpoise the data in my chart with that which you have brought up. I’ll try to remember!

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