Sox Start for Real Tonight


OK, technically they’ve already played two games that count, going 1-1, over in Japan. But the sorta surreal beginning to the season is over and the usual ebb and flow can now begin tonight in Oakland around 10 PM. Ian has more and the ProJo staff makes their picks. Me? They win the division, but they were pretty unscathed last year….I think injuries may play a factor in ’08. So playoffs yes. Back to back? Nope. But there will be some summer nights spent with a good brew and the Sox and all will seem right in the world.

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16 years ago

Does this mean you won’t be spending the family’s home improvement budget on some new Jordan’s Furntiure?

Consumers purchasing any furniture item designated below (“Sweep Merchandise”) at a Jordan’s store
location between March 25, 2008 and April 27, 2008 will receive a rebate of the purchase price paid
for the Sweep Merchandise if (but only if) the Boston Red Sox® win the first four games (“Sweep”) of
the 2008 Major League Baseball World Series® (the “Rebate”)…

16 years ago

Yeah, but it IS funny how now it has to be a Red Sox SWEEP in the WS, not just a win!

16 years ago

Got home from work yesterday just in time to see Eric Gagne blow a three-run lead in the ninth.
Good to know there are bigger suckers than Theo out there.

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