Conservatives at RISD?

Apparently, conservatives can be found everywhere, even at RISD (via Ian).

Zach Brown, founder and president of RISD Conservatives and a sophomore illustration major, said, “I became politically involved once I came to college because I was constantly being fed liberal propaganda.”
Brown, who considers Ronald Reagan his personal hero, described Rhode Island School of Design as an “isolated environment which attracts mostly liberal students and faculty. RISD is a haven for extremely left-wing ideology.”
School policy mandates student groups must have a faculty sponsor to become an officially-recognized club. Leaders of the new, student group said there are currently no known conservative faculty members at the school, but the students hope to find a professor who values diversity of thought and will consent to be their sponsor.
“Students and professors at RISD are extremely open-minded, until you disagree with them,” Brown explained. “If you do, you are either wrong or a redneck hillbilly.”
Brown compared being conservative on a modern college campus to being a suspected Communist during the Red Scare: “It seems like a similar situation to the Hollywood blacklisting of the late 1940s and 50s.”

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15 years ago

The odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are slightly higher than the odds that Zach here is gonna get any action from the hot, liberal, loose artist chicks over at RISD.
Go-along to get-along, Zach. Learn it young.

15 years ago

Seth Macfarlane is a RISD grad…in case you ever wondered why there is so much anti-Bush and anti-conservative propaganda in a typical Family Guy episode.

15 years ago

Yeah, Seth is really sympathetic to the Clintons. :rolleyes:
As for Anti-Bush, seriously is there anyone left that doesn’t think he deserves it?

15 years ago

Zach, transfer to Bob Jones University
Home of the Rightwing
“Agents of Intolerance”
and you won’t have to worry about having
a Gay roommate
Be Well Zach

15 years ago

Of course, I’m sure that Frank doesn’t see the intolerance in his suggestion.
Good for Zach and the other RISD conservatives for getting the message out. One would figure that with the thousands of RISD students, that statistically there would have to be some conservatives there.
PS I’m a big Family Guy and American Dad fan. I believe they’re pretty equal opportunity skewers of politicians.

15 years ago

I guess the old RISD stereotypes just crumbled.

15 years ago

Yet another institution that promotes itself as “diverse” but only employs those towing to the liberal orthodoxy.

15 years ago

Yet another institution that promotes itself as “diverse” but only employs those towing to the liberal orthodoxy.
Posted by Anthony at October 10, 2008 9:23 AM
The definition of “diverse” means one who follows the Communist party line without deviation.
just ask Comrade Ian Donnis who refuses to hire a single contributor from the majority of this state that voted for Carcieri and wants illegals booted out on their behinds. Another prep school “Fortunate Son” commie scumbag who runs a “paper” with a paid circulation of ZERO-and you get what you pay for.

15 years ago

Somebody’s desperate to take a cheapie at the Phoenix today. I’d defend Ian, but he’s probably too busy laughing at the above post.

15 years ago

I find your post interesting.
Why is it that so many prep. school graduates from affluent families become raging liberals?
Is it out of guilt?
Is it because they can afford so easily afford the taxes that they have no problems imposing an increased tax burden on others?
While I’ve seen lots of “limosine liberals” work to advance “social justice”, I haven’t seen any who are willing to give away their family wealth to social justice causes and adopt a middle class lifestyle.

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