More troubling thoughts about the One

Charles Krauthammer on Obama & Friends: Judge Not?.
Kimberly Strassel on Obama’s Magic.
Mark Halperin interviews Obama spokesman Gibbs about when Obama knew about Ayers’ terrorist past. Andy McCarthy has more and Jonah Goldberg adds these thoughts.
[ADDENDUM: Andy McCarthy puts the Ayers matter in perspective, elaborating on its implications for Obama.] Washington Times on Obama’s apparent efforts to undermine Iraqi negotiations.
Don’t forget Marc’s recent post about ACORN. More here.
It also looks like Obama belonged to a Socialist party just last decade. Contrast the media’s lack of interest about it versus the fake story about Palin and the Independent Party of Alaska.
More from Andy McCarthy about Obama here. Jonah Goldberg adds more thoughts here.
Jay Nordlinger reflects on the situation here, here, and here.
All of which is why I enjoy reading Don Boudreaux.

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15 years ago

Obama tried to secretly subvert US foreign policy in a discussion with the leaders of Iraq for his own personal gain.
He was willing to put American lives at risk to advance his campaign.
What more needs to be said?

15 years ago

Christopher Buckley endorses Barack Obama: Little late to the party on this but it’s still worth noting. Christopher Buckley, son of the late conservative writer William F. Buckley Jr. has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama. With typical Buckleyan wit, the former Esquire editor and White House speech writer (Bush 41) makes clear he hasn’t jumped ship and become a liberal. Instead his decision springs more from his disappointment with Sen. John McCain than any embrace of Obama’s guiding political philosophy or agenda. Here’s an excerpt from the Daily Beast: As to the particulars, assuming anyone gives a fig, here goes: I have known John McCain personally since 1982. I wrote a well-received speech for him. Earlier this year, I wrote in The New York Times–I’m beginning to sound like Paul Krugman, who cannot begin a column without saying, “As I warned the world in my last column…”–a highly favorable Op-Ed about McCain, taking Rush Limbaugh and the others in the Right Wing Sanhedrin to task for going after McCain for being insufficiently conservative. I don’t–still–doubt that McCain’s instincts remain fundamentally conservative. But the problem is otherwise. McCain rose to power on his personality and biography. He was authentic. He spoke truth to power. He told the media they were “jerks” (a sure sign of authenticity, to say nothing of good taste; we are jerks). He was real. He was unconventional. He embraced former anti-war leaders. He brought resolution to the awful missing-POW business. He brought about normalization with Vietnam–his former torturers! Yes, he erred in accepting plane rides and vacations from Charles Keating, but then, having been cleared on technicalities, groveled in apology before the nation. He told me across a lunch table, “The Keating business was much worse than my five and a half years in Hanoi, because I at… Read more »

15 years ago

“What more needs to be said?”
Oh, I don’t know. How about a link to a reputable news source, not some right wing escapist fantasy, which explains your foolish claim that BO is subverting US foreign policy and putting American lives at risk. Or is that just blog code to attack anyone trying to fulfill the desires of a majority of the American people who are tired of this Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush neo-con fiasco and want to end it?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
15 years ago

Louis Farrakhan has strongly endorsed Obama,referring to him as a “messiah”.
Louis Farrakhan is a hatemonger and he doesn’t tend to support anyone who is not on the same page he is.Does he know something about Obama that we don’t?The MSM is not putting this story out.How far in the tank can they go?I am amazed the Acorn story is in the news.It was too big to kill,I guess.
Obama can”repudiate”Farrakhan all he wants-if that man supports him,I think it speaks volumes on its face.
I posted a similar message to Ari Savitzky on PDD-naturally he chose not to answer.He still has to look in the mirror and ask himself how fervently he can support a candidate who draws the admiration of a man who hates White people in general,and Jews in particular.(Even though there are many nonwhite Jews).
The church obama attended for 20 years obviously had a lot of admiration for Farrakhan,what with giving him a life achievement award.
I think a lot of White liberals are so full of guilt for things they never did,that they can give hatred a pass to “atone”.What a bunch of nitwits!!

15 years ago

There’s a ton of vicious hatemongering on both sides– perpetrated mostly by people OUTSIDE bothe McCain and Obama camps. (Both camps are being negative, butthe harshest stuff on right & left is OUTSIDE the candidates reach & control!
I support Obama abd I grew up in Chicago 1962-1975… before Obama and Farrakhan. I oppose Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers– and Barack Obama does too. He hates being endorsed by Farrakhan. Farrakhan is a RACIST just the the KKK and Obama knows this. Just because someone endorses YOU doesn’t mean that you accept their support! Obama is an anti-Farrakhan blacl leader. Obama’s faith is deeply Christian and non-Marxist.
Hey, it is just the McCain camp deciding to try to change the conversation from how we are going to save out investments, pension & mortgages to crazyyy talk about irrelevant radicals from 40 years ago and crazy Muslim hate-preachers. I hate HATE. You guys hear it 24/7 on Talk Radio- irrational fear and hate of “socialism”. Remember “The Paranoid Style of American Politics” fueled by fear. It makes voters do stupid things.
President Obama and Senator Mccai9n in January will wo9rk together to straighten out the mess. McCain is good for help in the Senate & bipartisan leadership there!

15 years ago

Bluebeard, please abandon the habit of posting the same response multiple times under different threads. It’s just annoying. Not any more effective than posting it once at the most appropriate place.

15 years ago

You crack me up. For some one can’t ever provide documentation for your own points, you sure do request it alot from others!
I guess it doesn’t matter anyway. Last time you posted, you said that McCain was controlled by lobbyists for Fannie Mae, even though McCain consistently against bills that Fannie Mae was promoting.
Then you defended Barack Obama even though he supported all of Fannie Mae’s initiatives and had Fannie senior exectives on his campaign (not mouthpieces for the organization, but the actual people setting Fannie’s policies!).
Heck, I bet you’re still figuring out a way to believe that Obama’s uncle liberated Auschwitz (how do we KNOW that American troops didn’t liberate it–maybe they were just wearing Soviet uniforms?!?)
But for your edification, here’s the documentation on my point that Obama was interfereing with the constitutional duties of the presidency-

15 years ago

First of all, let me take this opportunity to wish all the paisans on this board a happy Columbus Day!
Anthony, thanks for the Washington Times link. Of course it doesn’t remotely support your allegation that BO was trying to undermine the troops and US foreign policy, but you’re entitled to your own interpretation.
As far as asking for documentation, I’m not aware that I ever do that, with the one exception when I challenged your assertion that BO’s grandma was a Bank of Hawaii VP. You were right about that and I apologized to you. You were not right in the underlying assertion that he had grown up in a luxurious situation, they were very much middle class. But other than that exception, I don’t think I’ve ever challenged someone to prove a point they made. It’s silly anyway, in the internet age, there is so much misinformation and propaganda masquerading as fact that anyone can “prove”just about anything.

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