Open Thread: The Finale of The Shield

I don’t write much about television or sports here, because if I started, I’d be tempted to write too often on those subjects. However, given that within the realm of television, tonight’s final episode of The Shield is arguably the most anticipated final episode of a television series since the finale of Seinfeld, I’ll bend the rule against no-TV talk ever so slightly, and give anyone interested a chance to comment on whether they think the universe of The Shield, in the words of Lt. Jon Kavanaugh, takes its garbage out tonight, or whether Vic Mackey gets away with it one last time.

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16 years ago

Oh, it has to end with Vic dying. Has to. After last week’s episode he’s got nothing left.

16 years ago

“most anticipated since Seinfeld”??
Huh? Sorry Andrew, but is this even a top 10 show? Top 20?
According to this site:,1002,272|||cable,00.html
It’s not even top 15 among cable shows.

16 years ago

My first guess is he lives, Shane dies, and Vic’s wife takes the family and disappears forever. You heard what she said- “There has to be consequences for your actions.”

16 years ago

Oops, almost forgot- second guess was Vic dies, but the official story is worked out over Claudette’s head- Vic dies a hero, so far as the rest of the world is concerned.
Speaking of which, I wouldn’t be surprised at all for something to happen to Claudette, possibly from her medical condition but possibly from engaging Mackey and Vindrel, and Dutch ends up running The Barn.

16 years ago

Ok…. so I guess I missed more of last week’s episode than I thought. Wow.

16 years ago

Ok, changed my mind. New prediction is Corrine kills Vic.

16 years ago

Well, I guess I was right the first time. Never saw the Shane thing coming though. Damn.

16 years ago

I remember thinking as the ICE lady (pun intended) outlined his daily responsibilities that in prison, Vic would be almost as freedomless- compared to his free-wheeling, hard-charging former life- but at least he wouldn’t have all that work to do.
On the other hand, he only has to make it three years in hell, and then he’s free- free to spend the rest of his life knowing he screwed the only friend he had left into a life sentence to save his own ass, and free to always wonder where his kids are and what they’re doing. I don’t envy that.
That said, the real losers here are Jackson Vindrel, his unborn sister, and the Mackey kids.

16 years ago

Another ambiguous, Soprano’s style non-ending, at least for Vic. The scene *after* the last scene could either have been Vic’s acceptance of being sentenced to cubicle hell for the rest of his life, or going out to the parking lot and shooting himself in the head.
The producers had a reason for showing Vic carefully unlocking his desk and taking out his pistol, and I really was expecting him to see him use it on himself.
Oh, and it was good to see Clark Johnson get to do a little acting in the series, after all the great work he did behind the scenes on the show over the years.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
16 years ago

Cubicle Hell! I love it.This is why I never wanted a promotion above Senior Agent.It would’ve meant a suit and tie,a cubicle,lots of writing-YECCCCH!!
There were people who craved that,but they were also frequently the kind of turds who’d need Depends to go bang doors.The exceptions were long time street agents who went to intelligence jobs-they really needed knowledgeable people there.I’m thinking of the admin and policy wonks who got to take hazardous duty retirement.
In any event,it’s television,which means it is entertainment bullsh*t.

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