Perception = Reality

Speaker Murphy expressed a desire for politicians, the press and the public to put a shiny, happy face on our troubled state. But that’s hard to do when national news outlets like the Washington Post run stories that ask questions like, So how did little, picturesque Rhode Island become one of the most economically depressed parts of the country?

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Ragin' Rhode Islander
Ragin' Rhode Islander
16 years ago

First the Sunday NYT, then BBC TV, then Reuters Canada, now The Washington Post.
The Democrats pooh-bahs running the General Assembly have spent decades kissing the behinds of the union bosses and poverty pimps as they raised taxes, continued to ignore rankings placing RI among the worst states for business, and kept cobbling together gimmicks to get them through just one more budget year.
As you stand in the unemployment line, after having come back from seeing your kids off who’ve moved elsewhere in search of opportunity, in the season of reflecting on our blessings make sure to save a place in your heart for gratitude to the Democrat General Assembly and its efforts to make Rhode Island a better place for “working families.”

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