Index of the Governor’s Budget Proposals
Here’s an index of the major items in Governor Donald Carcieri’s supplemental budget reconciliation plan. “Major” in this context is defined as any item saving $10 million or more for FY2009; the 10 items below account for $305 million of the $357 million deficit (85% of the total).
Eliminate General Revenue Sharing to Cities and Towns | $55.1M |
State Agency Corrective Action Plans | $51.2M |
Reduce Local Education Aid, Corresponding to Pension Contribution Deferral | $41.1M |
Defer Repayment to Rhode Island Capital Plan Fund | $38.4M |
Lowered Teacher’s Retirement Fund Contribution | $28.1M |
Anticipated “Medicaid Stimulus” | $27.5M |
Lower State Employee Retirement Contribution | $25.9M |
Increased Revenue from Raising Cigarette Tax | $17.4M |
Medicaid CNOM Savings | $10.5M |
Defer Station Fire Settlement Payments | $10.0M |
Local aid is reduced but towns will be unable to alter the teacher contracts. Therefore, either we get no garbage pickup -or- the property owners get screwed again by GA overrides of s3050.
I think it’s going to work out this way unless I am missing something.
Sorry, I’m kind of putting these up in haphazard order, because so many areas are affected, but, the $55.1M is non-educational aid, and the the $41.M is supposed to be offset by a deferral in required pension contributions (see the next post up for details).
However, the 25% health care copay would include teachers, regardless of what’s in the current contract. That’s real savings.
And think of the legal and political and precedent value of legislation nullifying provisions of the holiest of holies, i.e., existing “collectively bargained” “legally binding contracts!”
But they’re written in blood, aren’t they?
However, the 25% health care copay would include teachers, regardless of what’s in the current contract. That’s real savings.
Posted by Will at January 7, 2009 7:43 PM
Great. What about the real RI Royalty-police and fire?
#43 removes all issues related to manpower levels and deployment from police and firefighter collective bargaining
#44 mandates a 25% health insurance (including dental and vision care) co-payment for all municipal employees and school teachers
This would cover ALL municipal employees, including police and fire.