Link Cornucopia

Expect a run on Portugese Water Dogs.
We have a Senator striving to form a “Truth Commission.” Brilliant, name. Sheesh.
We have a Representative calling his state’s Supreme Court a “disgrace” because they…followed the law?
We have a tribal leader who can’t give up the ghost of a casino (even if he won’t say that’s what this is all about); a battle he has fought and lost for at least a decade.
Schadenfreude: Colby Cosh is a GenXer who is taking some delight in these times. Warning: generational warfare.
Congrats to both PC and URI. Maybe there will be basketball in March in Rhode Island after all.

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Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
15 years ago

Memo to Chief Sachem Matthew Thomas:
GIVE IT UP! Will you please accept reality. Can you just imagine if you put that same effort into something actually productive and honest to improve your lot in life. Instead of grasping onto some fraudulent effort, you could actually do something for your tribe. All of the money and time of your people that has been squandered on this “pig in a poke” that you have swindled them into buying is absolutely disgraceful.
Is it any wonder why the tribe is so destitute. With Thomas as the leader who can be surprised? Whatever Thomas wants to say about those who are rascist or bigoted or “have it in for them”, all the damage they have done pales in comparison to the damage Thomas himself has wrought on generations of his people. What a disgusting human being.
Real leader, huh? Chief Blowhard is more like it!

15 years ago

Portugese Water Dog?
Is that Teresa Paiva-Weed?
Oh, and Chief “All we want is an up or down vote if we lose we will go away” Thomas?
You had your coveted up or down vote.
You lost 2-1.
Go away. You lose.

15 years ago

Portuguese Water Dog?
Why not an American dog? It’s not like there’s a shortage. Yet another hard working American put out of work by this administration…

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
15 years ago

Truth Commission?Let’s ask that dandified fop how much of his family wealth came from owning slaves in old Virginny?The effete snob Sheldon is descended from Gov.Bradford of Massachusetts Bay Colony,dontcha’ know?However his family resided in Virginia later on-how many human souls did Sheldon’s family own?Maybe they never did.Only a Truth Commission can determine that.

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