Roundup: Tax Day Tea Party, Providence, RI

Upwards of 3,000 Rhode Islanders who’ve already had enough of Change made their presence known at the Tax Day Tea Party in Providence, RI. For those from elsewhere, that is an absolutely huge crowd backing this particular range of issues in this particular state, in which some commentators were predicting attendance in the hundreds.
We’ll be updating this post as we’re able. Anybody who has links that they think should be added to this list should feel free to email them to any Anchor Rising contributor.
Anchor Rising: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Ocean State Republican: 1, 2
Assigned Reading
Ocean State Policy blog: 1
Providence Journal
John DePetro
Justin Katz (Anchor Rising): Text and audio
John DePetro (WPRO): Streaming audio
(If any other speakers send their text to an Anchor Rising contributor, we’ll publish them as Engaged Citizen posts.)
Providence Journal
Brown Daily Herald
Matt Allen and Justin discuss the implications and the next steps
Providence Business News
Providence Journal
Anchor Rising: Post-facto Republicanization
Pawtucket Times

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15 years ago

I have to say Dan Reilly is looking like a Rock Star on the front page on the Journal this morning. I will bet Amy Rice is not having a great day.
Anyone know how I can send a campaign donation to this fine young man?

15 years ago

Got to give credit where credit was due, Dan definitely made an impression. Given that he was not one of the scheduled speakers, and that he didn’t appear to be reading from any notes, I have to really hand it to him for taking advantage of the opportunity (you have to imagine Amy is steaming right about now … great signs!).
There’s not too many times that one can get top of the fold coverage on page one of the only statewide newspaper, and not have been indicted for something.

15 years ago

Dan Reilly is exactly what we need in the general assembly!
We saw his campaign last year reach every voter in the district through a real grass roots effort.
He is able to connect with people one on one or with thousands at a time.
Reilly’s sensible and well articulated approach is refreshing for a politician.
Since Amy Rice got reelected last November her pieces of legislation include renaming the sakonnet river bridge and renaming our great state.
He comments on the budget have been well publicized on both TV (Trillo Talks) and on websites like (where she defends her position).
She supports raising taxes on both cigarettes and on gasoline.
These are the misplaced priorities our State legislators have.
Send a message and elect common sense politicians in 2010!

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