Officially, He is Not Officially Running for Governor

Former Senator Lincoln Chafee claims that he has not yet officially begun his gubernatorial campaign.
Someone needs to let his web-team know this, because this is what the masthead of the Chafee for Governor website reads as of 3:00 pm today…

Lincoln Chafee: Independent Candidate for Rhode Island Governor
But the most important question comes from the line immediately below the masthead…
Rhode Island needs a bold new direction.
Is a “bold new direction” meant to imply that a Governor Chafee will work on advancing something like true pension reform, or something like a crushing tax increase? Knowing the answer to that question is much more important than knowing whether the current state of the campaign is official or unofficial.

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15 years ago

“Rhode Island needs a bold new direction.”
Illustrious FORMER junior senator, exactly which direction would that be? You seem to be going in two different directions at the moment.
This unnecessary backpedaling, waffling, anguishing, whatever you want to call it, is absolutely 100% in-character for Linc. He makes what should be a relatively simple thing into something that no one, including himself, understands.
Does he really think that anyone is tuned into the 2010 gubernatorial race right now? This isn’t a very promising start for him.

15 years ago

Will someone make him go away…pleeeease!!

15 years ago

I wonder what this post and Will and DonnaC would have said about the twice elected Whig Party politician who abandoned his party and ran for president as a Republican. Would they have called Abraham Lincoln a WINO?

Bill Scott Hirsch
Bill Scott Hirsch
15 years ago

This is classic Lincoln Chafee. If the people of RI elect this guy, they get what they deserve. It’s like 2006 all over again. Just sit back and watch the train wreck that is Chafee for Governor.
Bill Scott Hirsch

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