Widening the Field?
Is this Associated Press article (via the Boston Herald) talking about candidates for Governor, candidates for the general offices, or candidates in general?
Gov. Don Carcieri is a rare Republican governor in one of the bluest of blue states, a social and fiscal conservative who won re-election in 2006 even as fellow Republicans were swept from office.Given the context of the article, which is all about the governor’s race, the answer would be candidates for governor — except that it seems a tad strange for the party’s only declared candidate for governor to be on a committee actively seeking other candidates.
It remains unclear who in the governor’s party, if anyone, will continue his political legacy….Republicans, however, are still searching for viable candidates, even as they hope to continue their hold on the governor’s office. So far, only Rep. Joseph Trillo of Warwick, a public access TV host best known for his outbursts, has publicly announced he’s considering a run….
Republican leaders including [Party Chairman Gio Cicione], Trillo, former state Rep. Carol Mumford and others met as recently as Tuesday to continue searching for additional candidates. Although the group has not divulged names under discussion, some are people who have approached the party while others would be newcomers to politics.
I’m not so sure Arlene Violet is exactly what Rhode Island needs, but she does offer several attributes that Joe Trillo does not. Name Recognition, Poise, public speaking skills, statwide office and campaign experience.
Are these just rumors I’m hearing about her running?
There isn’t a committee designated for that sole purpose. It’s a regular monthly meeting at RIGOP HQ.
And yes, I’ve certainly heard that Arlene Violet has been approached, though considering that she has not been a registered Republican for quite a long time, that might not tend to help her with the party faithful. However, she is the scheduled guest speaker at a Portuguese GOP event next week. I think some other names will come out of the wood work in the near future.