Jim Quinlan: Another $25,000 Wasted by the Cranston School Department

According to a Projo article by Randy Edgar:
The [Cranston] School Department will pay outgoing Supt. M. Richard Scherza $25,000 this summer to work as a consultant and help with the transition to a new superintendent, according to an agreement signed last month.
Scherza will work on an as-needed basis during July and August, providing “technical assistance” and helping in areas such as community and government relations.

In a city whose school department is struggling, to say the least, to balance a budget filled with years of giveaways and mismanagement, it is curious that the School Committee would vote unanimously to continue to keep Mr. Scherza on board on an “as needed basis.”
Budget session after budget session has been filled with program cuts and layoffs — directly affecting our children. EPIC, middle school sports, guidance vounselors, and teaching positions have all been on the table, yet the committee has found $25,000 to pay Mr. Scherza more than he was making while employed by the department.
If in-coming Superintendent Peter Nero was not qualified to sit in the big boy chair (after 3 years of working directly under Scherza), the committee should have not rushed to promote him in one week. If he is qualified, then the elected representatives should insist that he does the job.
I brought this concern to a School Committee member who told me that “because this was a personnel matter we could not discuss it.” I would like to know since when an independent contractor is a personnel member of the School Department.
We deserve to know what Mr. Scherza’s contract says and what his duties will be. I am not ready yet to deem this decision as corrupt, but it is certainly a poor business decision and another example of the School Committee’s lack of leadership.
Jim Quinlan is the chairman of the Cranston GOP.

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15 years ago

Another example of selfless dedication to the education of our youth (AS LONG AS THERE’S AN ENDLESS FLOW OF MONEY, BENEFITS AND PERKS IN IT FOR “ME”!

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