Rhode Island Republican Assembly: Saturday’s “Victory Over Statism” Day BBQ
This is a reminder that the RHODE ISLAND REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY PAC will be hosting a big “Victory Over Statism” Day barbecue event outdoors at the Buttonwoods — Masonic Shriners’ Family Center, located at 116 Long Street in Warwick, on SATURDAY, August 15th, from 1:00 P.M. until at least 4:00 P.M.
Like many of you, we are deeply concerned with the direction that our nation, and especially our struggling state is heading in. We’ve had enough of one-party rule in Rhode Island and all the ills that go with it. We want to do something about it, but to do that, we need your support. Through this and other outreach efforts, we will be working to support the growth of a robust conservative coalition in Rhode Island. We welcome the participation of all pro-freedom and pro-Constitution individuals, as well as other local conservative groups. We want to emphasize that this is not a “Republican only” event. All conservatives are welcome.
There will be plenty of Barbecued Chicken, Angus Hamburgers, Ball Park Hot Dogs, Kosher Hot Dogs, Corn-on-the-cob, various side dishes, and all the fixings for you and your family to enjoy. Besides acres of well-kept park land and walking paths with a great view of Narragansett Bay, the Buttonwoods — Masonic Shriners’ Family Center has volleyball courts, tennis courts, basketball, horseshoes, swimming pools, swing sets, and other amenities for you and your whole family to enjoy. In addition to all the food and fun, we will have a great speaking program of conservative leaders who will share their thoughts about what we can do to become more engaged in the political process. Confirmed speakers currently include:
HELEN GLOVER, Local Radio Personality
REP. JOHN LOUGHLIN, Candidate for United State Congress (Dist. 1)
MARK ZACCARIA, Candidate for United State Congress (Dist. 2)
ERIK WALLIN, Candidate for Rhode Island Attorney General
COLLEEN CONLEY, President of the Rhode Island Tea Party
TERRY GORMAN, Founder of Rhode Islanders for Immigration Law Enforcement
BARTH BRACY, Executive Director of Rhode Island Right to Life
JOHN ROBITAILLE, Communications Director for Governor Carcieri
BILL FELKNER, Executive Director of the Ocean State Policy Research Institute
TRAVIS ROWLEY, Chairman of the Rhode Island Young Republicans
TICKETS: We have made every effort to keep this event affordable. Tickets for the “VS-DAY” event are only $25.00 per person; Children 12 & Under are only $10.00 each; Children 5 & Under get in for FREE!
PAY ONLINE: If you would like to quickly and securely pay for your BBQ tickets online by credit card or electronic check, please use the “check out” on the RIRA-PAC Web site.
PAY BY CHECK: Please make your personal check payable to “RIRA-PAC.” Due to the short time left until “VS-DAY,” please e-mail Ray McKay at chair@rirapac.org to RSVP. You can bring your check with you to the event on Saturday. It would greatly help us for planning purposes to know that you’re coming!
Funds raised in excess of our costs will go towards helping the Rhode Island Republican Assembly Political Action Committee (RIRA-PAC) support conservative state and local candidates in 2010. Of course, even if you cannot attend this event, we still welcome your financial support! RIRA-PAC is neither affiliated with, nor endorsed by the Rhode Island Republican State Central Committee or any Masonic organization.
Please visit http://rirapac.org/victory for more details or to Register Online ASAP. For all event inquiries, please contact RIRA-PAC Chair Raymond McKay at chair@rirapac.org or (401) 487-2514.