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I thought former Rhode Island Supreme Court Justice Frank Williams’ role model was Abraham Lincoln, not Dwight Eisenhower.

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Jim Cavanaugh
Jim Cavanaugh
14 years ago

Williams,the judge who invalidated that portion of our RI Constitution dealing with oue seashore rights. He did so to kiss the butt of Gov.Almond who at the time was the center of a court action concerning those rights. He should be removed from the bench and his fatcat pension revoked.

14 years ago

My bet is he fathered this child, was/is having an affair/weird sexual arrangement with the wife,and possibly the husband. How many married men would allow their wife’s boss (no matter who he was) to become THAT close and allow the guy to have his own bedroom and key! Just by using reason, the husband either is completly braindead or somehow involved in this relationship ( remember the story about ex gay NJ gov Jim McGreevy,his wife, and their driver?) Frank’s already murky reputation just got a lot worse, he should be publicly ridiculued and seen with disgust. Typical rhode island story.

14 years ago

If Frank Williams is not the guard’s long lost father and therefore the grandfather of the six year old, this was a creepy situation and Dan Yorke is right: he needs to go.
Joe, it would also be typical Rhode Island ego and power mania.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Ralph-I don’t recall commenting on this-it’s kinda bizarre to tell the truth.
I bet this is why he resigned so precipitately.He probably got a heads up this was coming.
I hope Judge Suttell doesn’t have any problems.
After the Bevilacqua and Fay debacles,we got some respite with Joseph Weisberger-he was never an embarrassment to the state’s highest court.
We need to bat AT LEAST .500 on SCRI Chief Justices.(Think how bad that sounds.)

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