The Draft Laffey Movement Moves Ahead

The Associated Press is reporting that 19 city and town Republican chairs met with former Cranston Mayor Steve Laffey this past weekend to discuss the possibility of him running for Governor, but that Laffey hasn’t made any decisions yet…

Lincoln GOP chairman Michael Napolitano said Laffey attended a meeting Saturday with leaders from 19 local GOP committees who voted unanimously to support Laffey if he runs.
Laffey did not commit to a run at the meeting, and he did not return messages seeking comment Tuesday.

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14 years ago

I will tell you quite more than 19 GOP chairs support him, however, only 19 were able to make the meeting on Saturday. Things are proceeding very well. My apologies for lack of posts recently. I’ve been very busy. 🙂

14 years ago

Is it Draft Laffey or Laugh at Daffy?

14 years ago

Laffey is my generic holiday gift to the Democrats in RI. He’s an egomaniac who can’t keep his hands to himself (Ho ho ho, Santa’s always watching) and he has spent the last year shopping around for a state that will love him as much as he loves himself. He’s just what the Democrats asked for. Not that little Billy Lynch has been good this year. Its that I had to trade so that Georgie Nee wouldn’t come in and organize the elves.

14 years ago

Do the Leftist visitors have anything to contribute besides name-calling?

14 years ago

What took you guys so long to meet with him? Laffey’s been waiting and waiting and waiting to be wined and dined and to have his ring kissed by you Republicans. But not enough of you have paid homage to his holiness so he’s holding out.
Of course Laffey’s already told his confidant, that beacon of ethics and all that is good in RI, No Show Joe the barber Musciano that he’s running but he’ll string you good little Laffeyite’s along.
Too funny!

14 years ago

Can’t wait ’til we start to discuss issues and see what kind of brilliance comes out of these morons. OTL and Tim surely won’t disappoint.

14 years ago

I can’t wait either George. Can’t wait to hear Consular card Laffey’s stance on e-verify. Or his self-“praisal” on his taxing mayoral success in Cranston. lol
The guy is a megalomaniacal fraud. Fawn over him at your own risk.

Sol Venturi
Sol Venturi
14 years ago

Tim, OTL, et al:
I’m praying for you.

Scott Bill Hirst
Scott Bill Hirst
14 years ago

Steve Laffey is ELECTABLE in 2010. The next Governor will be elected under 50% of the votes.
I assume the Moderate candidate assuming it is Ken Block, will have no REAL IMPACT except to siphon votes away from other candidates.
Linc Chafee has a following and is a potential winner. The Democratic nominee either Caprio or Lynch has a chance because Rhode Island is a Democratic state. Is Bob Healey getting in as a Cool Mooose?
It will be interesting if the Democratic primary is really divisive which I supect it will be. The unions will be energized on their behalf.
The interesting point is what will be the winning percentage in the Governor’s race? Possibly high thirties, possibly low 40%?
This is an historic election and the most interesting in my lifetime!
One final thing, Do you think Patrick Lynch will sue the federal government if the healthcare bill in its final form still has the preferential treatment for Nebraska or any other state?

14 years ago

lol Thanks Sol. I’d return the favor but I’m laughing too hard.
Wow Scott Bill Hurst, now that’s a ringing endorsement. The only way Laffey gets elected is with less than 50% of the vote. Talk about a mandate from da people. Yikes!

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