A short note on my tweeting

As Justin mentioned earlier this week, I’m now on Twitter. I’ve long toyed with the idea because, frankly, I often think that sometimes all I need to say on something can be done in a pithy sentence or two and not paragraphs of well thought out prose. So if it seems I have been mum on this or that over the years, its mostly because my thoughts on it weren’t, in my opinion, “expoundable”, so to speak. (Maybe it’s the engineer in me that likes all that efficiency…) However, I have expanded upon a couple of my tweets already (ie; I tweeted about Bastiat’s broken windows and that idea inspired a blog post). Anyway, if you’re interested in my tweets ranging on subjects far and wide, head on over to my Twitter page. After the jump is a sample of some of my recent tweets to give you an idea….

re:Obama in Mass….& he had time to go to fundraisers in Boston? Do RIers, who overwhelmingly support this Prez, feel taken for granted? 9 minutes ago
@JohnDePetro is asking everyone this AM how we prevent same floods in rainy April. Not sure if there is an answer to historic floods, John. 11 minutes ago
Heard @HelenGlover, “RI hardest hit, why Obama->Mass? What if Bush had gone to Miss. & not NOLA?” Hm. Not even a flyover… 12 minutes ago
I-95 in RI will re-open @ around 2:45 PM. That helps. about 18 hours ago
Natural Disaster as stimulus? Bastiat says NO http://ow.ly/1tzZf. But does that apply 2 budget-challenged RI gov’t? Flood=1 time fix? about 23 hours ago
RT @espn Tim Welsh to be named Hofstra Pride’s men’s basketball coach – ESPN http://tinyurl.com/yatbc35 9:24 AM Mar 31st
Barone explains contemporary political disagreement. “Tea partiers embrace liberty not big government”: http://bit.ly/bLlrnX via @addthis. 5:34 AM Mar 31st
Obama opening offshore drilling http://tiny.cc/xshex. Look at the map…lotta red state coastline nothing in NorEast, West Coast. Hm. 5:12 AM Mar 31st
Obamacare: Not Thinking Things Through?: http://bit.ly/bFV3jU via @addthis. No Flexplan cover of OTC meds unless prescribed by a doctor. 10:59 AM Mar 30th
Pawtuxet to rise to 100-year-plus flood stage of 20 feet http://bit.ly/bzrGBf YIKES…hope our soccer equipment makes it @ Belmont. 5:52 AM Mar 30th
“Out like a lamb”, huh? Not in RI. 4:42 AM Mar 30th
Old pool pumps work well for de-watering the yard. Dig a hole at deep pt., put your suct. tube in, cover with screen for filter, prime & go 4:15 PM Mar 29th
Listening to Brown’s Wendy Schiller http://tiny.cc/xd4si on Dan Yorke http://tiny.cc/cfrlg. I like the cut of her jib. 8:31 AM Mar 29th
Yikes, never-seen-before flood levels forecast along Patuxet. Looks like Belmont Park will be Belmont Pond again… 8:01 AM Mar 29th

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14 years ago

“Heard @HelenGlover, “RI hardest hit, why Obama->Mass? What if Bush had gone to Miss. & not NOLA?” Hm. Not even a flyover… 12 minutes ago”
MA: Gov. Deval Patrick, Democrat, supporter
RI: Gov. Don Carcieri, Republican, not a supporter
Yes, even disasters are political with these fools.

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