The Tax-Day Tea Party: The View of the Crowd

No coverage of a Tea Party event would be complete without some information on the crowd size.
This is from a little after 3:30…


From about 4:30…


(Say hi to possible GA candidate Richard Rodi in the lower right hand corner).
…and the crowd was still the same size or larger, by ten-past 5:00…


And don’t forget the reverse angle, that shows the crowd on the statehouse steps!


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14 years ago

500? maybe 750?
Either way it is half the size of last year. Looks like most people stayed home and enjoyed paying the lowest taxes in 40 years!
When most of the biggest names are jumping ship on the tea party, and the only one left is Sarah Palin, the Tea Party has officially jumped the shark.

14 years ago

There were definately more than last year. I would have liked to have seen more, but not everyone can get an afternoon or a day out of work. There was a steady stream of people coming and going throughout the event. I brought a friend with me who had her husband swing by and pick her up early because she had to go to work. My daughter and son-in-law came after they got out of work. There were alot more families this year. The two elderly women I brought this year decided not to go this year, as they didn’t think they could walk the distance even if I dropped them off at the site. They were certainly with us in spirit though.

14 years ago

In the projo Colleen the leader of RI Tea Party said there was less than last year.

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