Mark Zaccaria on James Langevin’s Official Entry into the Second District Race

Second District Congressional Candidate Mark Zaccaria was in attendance at the announcement of Cranston Mayor Allan Fung’s campaign for reelection on Wednesday evening. By coincidence, Wednesday also happened to be the evening that Second District Congressman James Langevin announced his reelection bid, giving me the opportunity to ask candidate Zaccaria if he had any reaction to the incumbent’s announcement in his own race…

Mark Zaccaria: I need to go to the people of the Second District in this upcoming general election and say, “Ladies and Gentlemen, here is the guy that did this to you, and I’m the guy that’s going to undo it for you”, which one do you want to choose….The grotesque overspending has essentially eroded the foundations financially of the Republic, and it seems like people aren’t thinking when they simply borrow more money from the Federal Reserve, so that they can put it to a blowtorch, which is what we are doing with programs that do not have any sustainability or long term impact to the nation…” (Full audio, 1 min 14 sec)

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14 years ago

Zaccaria is a phenomenal libertarian candidate with a good understanding of Austrian economics. He doesn’t have a chance.

14 years ago

I wonder what the better Republican candidate in the Primary had to say about Langevin? You guys should post Bill Clegg’s stance; much more newsworthy since he actually has a real chance (and real money) to beat Langevin.

14 years ago

Other Dan, would you mind picking another handle? Law of the playground says I was here first.

14 years ago

Mr. Morse,
No matter how much you shake and dance
Zaccaria has no chance.
He works for and trusts the powerful few,
Says, “What’s best for them is best for you.”

14 years ago

>>You guys should post Bill Clegg’s stance; much more newsworthy since he actually has a real chance (and real money) to beat Langevin.
How about we compromise and go with Mike Gardiner.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

OTL-no matter how much YOU shake and dance-the last two drops goes down your pants.

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