Signature Coverage of Jon Scott, Independent Candidate for Mayor of Providence

Jon Scott is running for Mayor of Providence, an office that is open in this election cycle due to current Mayor David Cicilline’s decision to run for Congress…
Anchor Rising: You can make the case that the job of city mayor involves a more intense combination of the administrative aspect of governance and the pulling-people together aspect of governance than does any other political office. How would you say the current occupant of the Providence Mayor’s Office has done in these areas?
Providence Mayoral Candidate Jon Scott: “City politics, it’s very much in tune with the people. It’s very much in touch with the people. The people understand that, if the stoplight at the end of their street doesn’t work, they call the Mayor’s office and the Mayor makes the stoplight work…” (Audio: 0 min 40 sec)
“But this really, all of the sudden, has become a 30,000-foot job. It has become about 50 million dollars in budget deficit next year, and 100 million in the next year [after]. It’s become about 556 million dollars in bond liability. It’s become about 108 million dollars in unfunded pension liability. We are talking about a city that’s in debt, almost a billion dollars…” (Audio: 1 min 15 sec)
“…the operational part [done by the current Mayor] has been poor, but the big part for him is the 30,000 foot-level that has been poor. Everything he does, he does in the background…” (Audio: 0 min 52 sec)
AR: Speaking of everyone have input into making decisions, on your website is a proposal for changing Providence to having an elected school committee. Would you like to talk about that a bit?
JS: “Having a school committee that’s appointed by the Mayor does a couple things very well. It allows the administration to move very quickly. That’s a good thing if in fact we are doing that. But we’ve had status quo, for so long, that we’re just kind of floundering out there…we have schools where rain is dropping through the roof onto classrooms. I don’t care how good teachers are or how bad teachers are, let’s not even get into that, a kid can’t learn if rain is dropping on his head…” (Audio: 1 min 1 sec)
“Now an elected school committee, on the other hand, answers to the people, it doesn’t answer to the Mayor. And that, in this city, is a big bonus. School committees, ultimately, should answer to the constituency, the parents. We wonder why parents aren’t involved. Well, parents aren’t involved because it’s so far removed from them, the process is so far removed from them, that they feel like they have no say…” (Audio: 1 min 17 sec)

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14 years ago

So Jon Scott is at it again. I have to give the guy credit for his dedication and willingness to take a beating. How does Jon Scott plan on raising $ for this race when he couldn’t even figure out how to raise money against an alcoholic Kennedy on the national stage?
RI Republicans I beg you to please start putting forward serious candidates for these important offices. Jon Scoot is quickly becoming the Chris Young of the Republican Party. In fact Chris Young will get more votes than Jon Scott, guaranteed!

14 years ago

Hey Wiltz, nice job:
“RI Republicans I beg you to please start putting forward serious candidates for these important offices. Jon Scoot is quickly becoming the Chris Young of the Republican Party.”
Nice job on your research and reading skills. Jon Scott is an Independent, not a Republican.

14 years ago

Patrick. I apologize. You are correct. I thought we were talking about Jon Scott the Republican who though he could take on Patrick Kennedy by raising no money and not campaigning.
I guess now we are talking about Jon Scott the Independent who will raise no money, won’t campaign and won’t garner 8% of the vote.
My mistake. Same Loser with different labels.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
14 years ago

My mistake. Same Loser with different labels.
Posted by Wiltz at July 14, 2010 4:19 PM
The true losers are the moron majority of Providence who have been electing corrupt crooks as long as I have been living-Doorley, Reynolds, Cianci, Paolino, Cicciline and now Taveras/Lombardi/Constantino.
They deserve everything they have coming as the billion dollar plus unfunded liability shortly explodes.

Jon Scott
Jon Scott
14 years ago

Feel free to come out from behind your alias and we can talk about my campaign plans. I put my name on a ballot and fight for what I believe in. You on the other hand hide on a blog and complain about the people who are actually doing something.
Feel free to continue to parrot the Dan Yorke line while I try to discuss real ideas to move Providence forward. Always willing to chat with you if you wanted to do so.

14 years ago

Wow you told him Jon Scott. Say what you will Jon but you are a political hack and unimportant wannabe. Nothing more and nothing less.

14 years ago

Jon Scott:
How much money do you plan on raising for this race? How big will your staff be? What is their experience? How many volunteers will you have?
Wait, what? Zero!!!
Oh just like your chances of winning this race. You are quickly becoming RI’s biggest political joke.
It always cracks me up to see these egomaniacs run for higher office when they couldn’t even get elected dog catcher.
Jon Scott no one cares about what you have to say. You are not electable. You will never win. Ever! But have fun deluding yourself.
You’re like that fat middle age guy with no future who thinks he can get the beautiful woman. Wait, what?

14 years ago

At least Jon runs unlike you moron(s). Maybe he could have raised the money and spent it on himself like the guy who ran against Kennedy before him and that skunk of a campaign manager who took money from old people. Multiple posts under different avatars by one person who has a personal axe to grind with a candidate is really going to change the system.
I don’t live in Providence but if I did I’d vote for Jon with or without him raising money to keep you jerks happy.

Scott Bill Hirst
Scott Bill Hirst
14 years ago

While I am disappointed in Jon for not running as a Republican which is not easy in Providence, I very probably would vote for him if I lived in the city.
This reminds me of the late Fred Lippitt who ran as a Republican for Lt. Governor, was House Minority Leader and was a Republican state legislator from the East Side, but ran as an independent when he ran for Providence Mayor.
It is not hard for Republicans to be losers in Rhgode Island, as Democrats out number us in registration. Routinely Democrats win by 2-1 or better margins in Rhode Island generically, in many places.

14 years ago

“Routinely Democrats win by 2-1 or better margins in Rhode Island”
Thank you straight ticket voting. In the last gubernatorial election, the straight ticket votes cast were 70,000 to 12,000. It’s not real surprising that Democrats win on a 2-1 margin when they’re handed that kind of advantage. Most people who vote straight ticket think they’re doing the right thing for their Congressman and have no idea that they’re also sending the Fox, Constantino, Paiva-Weeds right back to Providence, and then they wonder why this state is in such craphole shape. Straight ticket voting did turn some races two years ago. Not many, but some. And it also changed the perception of others (Fogarty vs. Carcieri). Straight ticket voting is really for lazy, thoughtless people who have no clue what they’re doing and really, shouldn’t be in the voting booth at all.

14 years ago

Jon Scotts comments re Community Policing are a joke. What does he know about true community policing other than what he read in a book! He’s a fraud just like Esserman..another non-cop who thinks he knows community policing…ask someone who lived it!

14 years ago

How to connect to the internet tubes? Using my series of tubes??

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