Lincoln Chafee Promises that the General Assembly Will Pass His Tax Increase. An Incumbent State Representative Objects.

In response to independent Gubernatorial candidate Lincoln Chafee’s statement that, if elected governor, he would be able to get a sales tax expansion through the legislature because…

If the governor is leading the way on a tax increase…the General Assembly is going to go along. That’s the governor’s leadership. That’s his plan and they can go along with it. That’s going to happen.
…incumbent Democratic State Representative Jon Brien, who is running for reelection in District 50 (Woonsocket), has offered this response…
There is simply no way I would support the sales tax expansion and would fight tooth and nail against it.

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14 years ago

Wait, didn’t Chafee say he will not propose this legislation until state spending is under control? I took that to mean that he’ll never propose the 1% sales tax addition.
Oh, and Senate District 19 candidate from Cumberland/Lincoln Beth Moura would not support this new tax either.

Jen Hirons
Jen Hirons
14 years ago

I would not support this increase.
Jen Hirons
Candidate for Rep 44

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