Remember the Good Ol’ Days (Before 2006)

Hey, remember when gas was $2.20 a gallon and the unemployment rate was 4.4%? What happened with that? …Oh, right, the Democrats won the 2006 Congressional elections.

That observation was made by Moe Lane and picked up by Glenn Reynolds. It’s worth promulgating because it’s a simple way to point out that what we were told was so bad back in 2006–the Bush Economy (negativity implied)–sure looks a helluva lot better to average Americans now, doesn’t it? Then it all changed. Too simplistic? Perhaps. But since when is simplicity out-of-bounds in politics.

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13 years ago

It’s interesting how this bad economy isn’t Obama’s fault, he took over a faltering economy from W. However Clinton is praised for having a great economy, not that the seeds were sowed by Bush and Reagan.

13 years ago

Yes. Except the economy began to tank BEFORE Obama took office, while the Clinton economy didn’t begin to boom until near the end of his 2nd term. But then, when has ignoring reality been out of bounds in conservative rhetoric?

13 years ago

Wow Ron, Marc thought his post was “too simplistic”? The economy improved in the mid-late 90’s despite Clinton, not because of him. You may recall the Republicans taking over Congress around this time, forcing Clinton to cut the budget, reduce spending, lower taxes, and put some (though not enough) curbs on welfare handouts. All this and a housing boom and tech and stock market bubble helped the economy.

13 years ago

I am happy to report according to AAA today 4/23/11 regular gasoline in Hawaii state-wide is now averaging $4.532 per gallon with a high average on Maui at $4.904 per gallon. Reports are Hawaii should see $6 per gallon gasoline before end of summer (November). Hawaii is normally 30 to 50 cents higher per gallon than the mainland. All I can say to you on the mainland with upcoming price hikes in gasoline costs is Ouch! Purchase more 8-cylinder vehicles, Hummers and big SUVs!!!
Hawaii now has 10 alternate energy automotive manufacturer companies (6 made in the USA) selling alternate energy vehicles in the islands. Over 270 alternate energy vehicles are registered on Honolulu alone. Based on current Hawaii electric rate it cost $1.80 to charge a 100 mile per charge battery.
Installation of alternate energy powered electric vehicle public street-side charging stations infrastructure has commenced with hotels, rental car agencies, state & city government and utilities purchasing alternate energy vehicles plus General Motors has partnered with Hawaii Gas Company for Hydrogen fuel cell support. Hawaii will be the first state in nation to have an installed infrastructure state-wide to supporting both electric and hydrogen fuel cell alternate energy vehicles.
I get 34 mpg and spend about $60 a month on gasoline at today’s price and struggle to put 5,000 miles a year on my car. When cost benefit ratio leans towards alternate energy I’ll make the move because the supporting infrastructure will be fully in place and more alternate energy models and options will be available.
By the way, our state-wide unemployment rate is 6.3% across all islands but in Honolulu where 80% of the population lives and 78% of the state-wide GDP is produced the unemployment rate is 5.1%.

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

“By the way, our state-wide unemployment rate is 6.3% across all islands but in Honolulu where 80% of the population lives and 78% of the state-wide GDP is produced the unemployment rate is 5.1%. ”
Why do I suspect that much of this is “good paying” jobs in the “Service Economy”, where everyone is shining the other guys shoes. Reminds me of the old story of the three antique dealers stuck on a desert island, with one antique bureau. They all made a good living selling the bureau to each other. Referring to the “tourist industry” makes me recall a convenience store owner referring to his “industry”.
Let us not forget that much Hawaiian prosperity resulted from the government decision that business meetings and conferences, outside of the U.S., were not tax deductible. So, many of the tourista are “captives”.

13 years ago

Warrington Faust, The following is a little primer on the Hawaiian economy not all service based which RI claim is $5 billion a year and HI takes in $12 billion a year. The following snapshot list was compiled by the State of Hawaii Department of Business Economic Development & Tourism (same as RI EDC) as an intro to Hawaii for the visiting Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meeting for the 21 nation heads of state, finance ministers, entourages, visiting family and friends and their security that ring the Pacific Ocean, world bank, business leaders and over 2,000 world press totaling over 20,000 attendees meeting only the second time in the United States in 31 years (RI could have bid as host on this just like the America’s Cup): Hawaii: “Renewable Energy: Dr. Steven Chu, the U.S. Secretary of Energy, has called Hawaii: “A unique test bed for clean, renewable energy.” •Hawaii’s abundant natural resources has fostered an array of cutting-edge clean energy projects across the state, from wind and wave power to biofuels and geothermal energy. •Signed into agreement in 2008, the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative aims for 70 percent of the state’s energy needs to come from clean sources by the year 2030. •Hawaii is currently a national leader for per-capita photovoltaic solar energy generation. Health & Life Sciences: Hawaii’s ethnic diversity and research excellence has made the state a world center in the field of life sciences. •Outstanding research and development in Hawaii are leading to breakthroughs in vaccines to dengue fever and West Nile virus. •Cancers with a high incidence among Asian Pacific populations are the unique focus of the University of Hawaii’s Comprehensive Cancer Research Center. •Researchers are currently studying why Hawaii residents have a life expectancy of 80.8 years, the longest in the United States and… Read more »

13 years ago

Warrington Faust,
You wrote; “Let us not forget that much Hawaiian prosperity resulted from the government decision that business meetings and conferences, outside of the U.S., were not tax deductible. So, many of the tourista are “captives”.”
May I remind you, the State of Hawaii is the 50th State of the United States of America and NOT a foreign country as so many people who don’t know their basic geography try to imply and misrepresent the true facts.

13 years ago

ADDENDUM: Warrington Faust, After rereading your comment, even though I might have misread it at first, I still take exception to it. Hawaii only averages $12 billion a year from the tourist trade and conventions held in Hawaii and that income is regulated by the commercial airlines and cruise lines (no airplanes or cruise ships; no tourist). It is far less than the total income of the state due to other business activities I mentioned in my earlier post to you especially the financial service, research, agriculture, astronomy and health & life sciences and technology industries. Green energy is also fast growing as is the movie and TV industry. The financial and telecommunications industry in Hawaii are world class. Tourism is a very young industry in Hawaii and to call Hawaii a tourist trap is disingenuous because if you visit Hawaii you have to make a concerted effort to get or hold a convention here but once here you might not want to leave because it is called “paradise”! No one is held hostage! By the way, Hawaii’s transit taxes are $5 cheaper a day than Rhode Island based on daily hotel room, rental car and food. President John F. Kennedy is quoted saying; “Hawaii is what the rest of the world is striving to become.” Michelle Obama is quoted saying; “You can’t really understand Barack until you understand Hawaii.” In the old days when there was not a whole lot of tourism agriculture especially sugar, pineapple and beef (Hawaii still has the largest contiguous ranch, in the United States, the Parker Ranch near Kamuela about 480,000 acres of land). Free-range organic animal products and agriculture still play a very important part of Hawaii’s economy of exports as Hawaii is the only state in the nation “rabies free”. Hawaii is… Read more »

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
13 years ago

Yeah Ken we know Hawaii is a great place for rich people like you to retire to.
West warwick and EP-not so much. So Hawaii’s economy has little relevance to RI.
Similarly while $6 a gallon gas will warm the hearts of progressives like yourself methinks $6 a gallon gas will be less appreciated by the progressive politicians who brought it to us come November of next year…

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

“Michelle Obama is quoted saying; “You can’t really understand Barack until you understand Hawaii.”
I knew I was having some difficulty there, but I couldn’t get to the bottom of it.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Hawaii has ONE Republican in the state senate.Sounds like more of a stacked deck than RI.

13 years ago

Aloha Ken,
RI native and former Lahaina,Maui resident here. Your stories sound idyllic except the facts interfere with the happy storyline. Hawaii is the MOST expensive state in the union in which to live…check the Fed Govt. Index. There are many challenges to living in beautiful Hawaii. Greedy landlords challenge long term residents with exorbitant rents due to vacation visitors willing to pay much higher rates. 6.00 gal gas? Yes the highest and most of the cars there are “gas guzzling” vacation rentals. Marijuana and alcohol abuse are rampant. Paradise?… yes to many….and Paradise lost to many others.

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