While I was away
I was gone for a couple weeks and nothing unexpected really happened. A debt deal was made, whereby we are told we’re going to “cut” the Federal budget by spending, say, 6% more over the next decade than the previously assumed 7% or 8%. Well, at least there were no tax increases (for now).
Central Falls finally went under–gee, who saw that coming–after unions and pensioners refused to accept the fiscally-sane plan laid before them by the receiver. Now they’re getting the plan anyway…and it’s actually a bit worse than what they turned down. Good foresight.
On the sports front, the Sox are still in first place (for now) and the Pats are back in camp (with a few interesting new faces). And August is the time when kids across RI start thinking about Fall sports. Coaches too.
All in all, I spent 10 days out of state (and most of that out of the country) and a few days digging myself out from under a pile of accumulated work. I basically checked out of politics and the news cycle and was much the happier for it. Ignorance is indeed bliss. But, as Justin pointed out, the road to apathy is an easy one to take around here. It’s all downhill, after all.
Oh well. Back up hill I go.