Offshore Wind – All Pain No Gain

[The Roll Call speech, below, by RI GOP National Committeewoman Sue Cienki on July 15 at the RNC Convention included a description of offshore wind, “industrial vandalism of the ocean”, that was not only on point but prophetic — the very next day, Nantucket announced the closure of its beaches and the world began to learn the full extent of the pollution and vandalism being caused by the failed, splintering Vineyard Wind turbine. Emphasis added.]

Ocean State, where almost 90 years of Democratic control has led to the industrial vandalism of the ocean. Wind turbines in our ocean killing our fishing industry and marine life which leads to ALL PAIN NO GAIN.

We were the first colony to declare our independence from Britain and the last colony to ratify the Constitution because we believe in states rights. We are home to the Independent Man who wonders what happened to that independent, freedom of religion spirit that Roger Williams brought into Rhode Island. Let’s bring back that spirit and soul of America with patriotism and intelligence rather than blind ambitious power.

Madam Secretary, the great state of Rhode Island proudly casts all 19 delegates for Donald J Trump.

Featured image: photograph of broken Vineyard Wind turbine by New England Fishermen’s Stewardship Association; re-printed with permission.

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