Jon Scott on the Dedication of the WWII Memorial
Over at his brand new blog Jon Scott 2008, Jon Scott has a firsthand report on the dedication of Rhode Island’s new World War II memorial, offering his cheers for the members of the general public — and of course the veterans — who attended, but jeers for the politicians who habitually attempt to hog the spotlight at events like these…
The Ocean State dedicated the long overdue World War II Memorial today following a short parade, which began at the State House and ended at the Memorial site on South Main Street. It was a beautiful day to honor those who have served our nation with both valor and dedication and, though I have never served (or, perhaps, because I’ve never served), I thought it an obligation to attend the ceremony.
Many Rhode Islanders know the story of how funding has been lagging behind for a memorial to those who gave their lives in the second “war to end all wars” but lack of support for the project was not on the minds of those in attendance. The crowd was large, very much behind our troops, and appreciative of the vets who were there. The energy in the park and the stunning monument made me proud to be a Rhode Islander. I wish that I could say the same of the dedication ceremony itself.
I found myself reflecting on my belief that, had I been elected to Congress in 2006, I would not have joined the politicians on the rostrum. There is nothing partisan about my statement. Republicans and Democrats seemed equally eager to take the microphone and pander to the crowd of veterans and supporters. They were all equally mistaken that this was a day about them. I understand that this is the way that things are done. I understand that it is “the way we’ve always done it”, but enough is enough.
Had I been a sitting Congressman, I would have given up my seat behind the podium to someone who served during World War II and, instead of speaking to the folks in the crowd, I would have listened.
Like Jon Scott, I attended the dedication on Sunday. I was hoping that no anti-war group was going to try and politicize the event and gratefully, they didn’t. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the supporters of the Iraq war. There were repeated references to the similarities between WWII and Dick Cheney’s GWOT. We could argue all day about the correctness of that viewpoint, but should we be politicizing a memorial dedication in that way? General Centracchio also made a tasteless pun equating liberalism and atheism. I am neither a liberal nor an atheist but I can guarantee that there are plenty of names carved on that monument of people who made the ultimate sacrifice who were one or both. Nevertheless, the ceremony was uplifting, maybe a little long for all the seniors in attendance, but it was nice to see them get some recognition.
Like Jon Scott, I attended the dedication on Sunday. I was hoping that no anti-war group was going to try and politicize the event and gratefully, they didn’t. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the supporters of the Iraq war. There were repeated references to the similarities between WWII and Dick Cheney’s GWOT. We could argue all day about the correctness of that viewpoint, but should we be politicizing a memorial dedication in that way? General Centracchio also made a tasteless pun equating liberalism and atheism. I am neither a liberal nor an atheist but I can guarantee that there are plenty of names carved on that monument of people who made the ultimate sacrifice who were one or both. Nevertheless, the ceremony was uplifting, maybe a little long for all the seniors in attendance, but it was nice to see them get some recognition.