Grow up

Real men don’t whine and make excuses.
And they don’t dither, either.
My first comment in the Comments section:

Dithering on Afghanistan while American soldiers die.
Meeting multiple times with Andy Stern of SEIU while not having time to decide on Afghanistan.
Calling Afghanistan the important war in March before it wasn’t the important war in October. The man simply can’t say the word “victory,” let alone “victory” and “America” in the same paragraph.
Talking, talking, talking to Iran without conditions while being silent as Iranian tyrants arrest, torture and kill freedom-loving dissidents. And then continuing to talk when Iran thumbs their nose at us about their nuclear program.
Chairing the UN for a day and failing to disclose the existence of another Iranian nuclear facility, a clear violation of those meaningless/toothless UN resolutions. Forcing French president to drop any reference to it from his UN speech.
Refuses to meet with the Dalai Lama because relationship with Communist Chinese cannot be sacrificed.
Abandoning our allies in Eastern Europe while coddling Russia as they do war games threatening Eastern Europe.
Treating our historic friends, the Brits, with disrespect.
Refusing to participate in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall falling.
Completely silent on anything to do with human rights and freedom while coddling tyrants.
Bowing to Saudi kings.
Pressuring Israel but not the Palestineans.
Backslapping and smiling broadly with tyrant Hugo Chavez.
Listening passively to 50-minute anti-American rants by Daniel Ortega.
Bullying Honduras democracy to reinstate Chavez acolyte who was violating constitution.
Contrary to CW, GW Bush had more effective relationships with various countries than Obama has. Obama is unable to convince anybody of anything anywhere, including actions on Iran and Afghanistan.
Going on world-wide apology tour about America while failing to speak up for our national self-interest.
Passing roughly $800 billion stimulus package that blows up deficit without positively impacting economy. Did I mention nobody read the bill before it was passed?
Running budget deficits that make that spendthrift GW Bush look like a tightwad. See here.
Trying to socialize medicine in America, which would blow up deficit even further and take away freedom.
Trying to pass cap-and-trade energy tax that would adversely impact economic growth and family economics.
Taking over industries instead of letting the marketplace sort it out, losing billions of taxpayer dollars in the process. Dictating outcomes for Chrysler bondholders, unilaterally declaring existing legal contracts don’t have any standing.
Demonizing news organizations who don’t toe the Obama party line, including trying to exclude them from interviews with Administration officials. In other words, arguing against free speech based on ideological differences.
Having endless number of czars who are effectively an unaccountable shadow Cabinet, operating without Congressional oversight or transparency. Telling Congress there will be no testifying by czars in front of Congress.
Having czars dictate pay for private companies.
Filling his administration with self-proclaimed Marxists and admirers of Mao.
Aligning self with ACORN-types, who commit voter fraud, etc.
Hey, that’s the Obama track record. Who needs any more time? He is a wimp like Jimmy Carter on international relations but without any moral compass on freedom and human rights. He is a budget-busting spendthrift who is trying to socialize the American economy. His banana republic deficit levels are driving the international community to abandon the dollar as the preferred reserve currency, something that threatens to reduce our standard of living over time. He is allergic to the concepts of freedom, liberty and American exceptionalism, surrounding himself with people akin to long-time friends like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers. And he doesn’t know history.
In summary, running as a (faux) moderate in 2008 and governing from the far left in 2009. He most certainly has a track record already and it is not positive on any dimension. All while golfing more in 9 months than GW Bush did in 2 years and 10 months.
Okay, the man has a great sounding voice and can read off of a Teleprompter.
And, I repeat, does he ever whine and blame others. Real men and women don’t do that. Successful leaders surely don’t.

My second comment in the Comments section:

How fascinating to read many of the responses.
Few seem to want to talk about the substantive issue: Obama manufacturers excuses for his non-performance. And he is, I believe, the first US President to go overseas and publicly trash his predecessor. Call it what you want. I call it wimpy, lacking in courage, lacking in leadership, lacking in a moral foundation. You can call it whatever you like but, regardless, it is not what strong, principled men or leaders do.
And talk about thin-skinned! Politics is a contact sport so why is everyone aghast when Obama is criticized. Or feeling a need to twist any criticism into a suggestion of racism.
So, here is the other call out – Is criticizing Obama off limits because he is a black man? Sure seems that way. Which is itself a racist concept and worthy of challenge.
In a nutshell, the other substantive point is that Obama is a socialist who doesn’t believe in the core principles of America. And he is a foreign policy wimp who dithers without any moral direction. My earlier comment to this post offers the particulars of an indictment.
By way of contrast with the overly sensitive types, some of us dish it hard in all directions, writing before the 2008 election that McCain wasn’t presidential timber; that is summarized here. Some of us said the Republicans should lose majority control of the House in 2006 and spend some time in the political wilderness so they could rediscover principles. Some of us sat out the 2006 RI US Senate race because of a belief that neither of the candidates deserved support. Some of us trashed GW Bush and the Republican Congress for their spendthrift domestic policies. Some of us supported and raised money for a black US Senate candidate back in 1992 and have written on this blog site about the moral contributions of Martin Luther King, Jr.
So some of us are pounding Obama because we don’t like socialist domestic policies that take away our freedom, spineless/unprincipled foreign policies that do not promote American interests – all from someone whose actions regularly suggest a lack of commitment to liberty.

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Thomas Schmeling
Thomas Schmeling
14 years ago

So your point here is that Barak Obama is not a “real man”?
And you want him to “grow up”

14 years ago

I think that was the point, spoken in hyperbole. He’s a year in and he’s still making excuses for his own failure to address them. What has he accomplished one year in? Bueller? Bueller? Bueller? It’s all yours now, Obama! Enjoy it.

14 years ago

Reminds me of how many “progressive” Rhode Islanders assign credit and blame for the state we’re in.
Anything good about the state – credit the Democratic General Assembly.
Anything bad about the state – blame the Republican governor.
Nobody ever wants to take responsibility for our problems.

14 years ago

Donald, Anyone with half a brain (maybe a pea sized brain) who has worked with government both state, federal and international relations understands and knows you can’t unilaterally reverse what was put into law over the pass eight year in less than one year! During the last eight years the United State of America relations with other countries and the United Nations hit an all time low and the US has been thrown off more committees at the UN reflecting other nation’s displeasure of the USA. We rightfully started a war with a country that was harboring masterminds of the 9/11 attack on the USA (however most all of the attackers were of Saudi nationals; big oil). Then for reasons unknown other than a very small sentence quoting George W. Bush; “He tried to kill my daddy!” the USA invaded Iraq on trumped up false charges presented to the world thereby destabilizing the Middle East and Iran at the cost of over 6,000 American deaths and also adding fuel to the American current depression not to mention “free market” philosophy. The GOP knew this and it is a saving grace to both the GOP and George W. Bush legacy (who by the way was the first president to hold a Masters Degree in Business Administration (from Harvard) because the weight of correcting things will fall on the first Hawaii born President. Am I saying Obama is naïve, unskilled, out of touch or a whiner? No! Anyone elected to the 44th President of the United States would be in the same position as Obama is in today (lucky not the GOP)! I cringed when everything started pointing to Obama, first Hawaiian and first mixed race African-American ethnicity to be elected to the Presidency of the United States was moved up to… Read more »

14 years ago

Ken, after reading your hilarious (I literally laughed out loud several times) commentary on Obama I can only conclude that Hawaiian Gold is as good these days as I remember it from my youth. lol A few gems…. “Most people do not understand President Obama because he was born and raised in Hawaii not the mainland…” Is that where his “golfing” work ethic comes from Ken? “If you live in the past you’ll be stuck in the past and never move forward.” Agreed!! And nowhere in American society is that comment more pertinent than in the African American community. “He was not brought up that way because he was taught and lived “aloha” until he moved to the mainland but his roots are still in Hawaii.” Ken does Obama’s close friend and spiritual guru of 20 years, the virulent racist Rev. Wright, also project that “aloha” spirit?? “Why do you think this person energized a nation and was given top billing in every nation he has stepped foot on.” Obama didn’t ‘energize” a nation. He ran against a weak opponent from the party of an unpopular sitting President and won 53% of the popular vote. Obama’s ONLY strength is that he’s a dynamic speaker. Sadly for him the lies of his campaign (he ran as a centrist/he governs from the far left) are coming home to roost. Oh and btw, all U.S. Presidents are given top billing when they go overseas. What’s also getting top billing overseas is Obama’s snub of German Chancellor Merkel and the ceremonies commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall. But this move by Obama I understand. Commies don’t like to celebrate their own demise. lol “Am I saying Obama is naïve, unskilled, out of touch or a whiner? No!” But that’s… Read more »

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Tim-great point about Barry snubbing Merkel and the celebration of the end of the modern day slavery of communism in eastern Europe.
Merkel is a democratically elected head of state who certainly is no enemy of the US or free people.
Instead he courts scum like Daniel Ortega and Chavez while they berate him about what a lousy country he’s been elected to lead.Ever day he makes me more disgusted and whatever kind of asswipe George Bush may have been,Barry needs to take responsibility now.When will he be ready to?Just before the 2012 election?He seems to always be campaigning for himself (his programs)or others.And can’t miss date night or the Wednsday cocktail parties,could he?Too busy to talk with his commander in Afghanistan-what a digrace.
I’m tired of hearing about his racial background.I feel very comfortable calling him out on what REALLY matters-his socialist way of thinking and his tendency to criticize his country arouns the world.I can’t think of another President who ever stooped that low,although Jimmy Carter has done pretty well at it since he left office.

Donald B. Hawthorne
Donald B. Hawthorne
14 years ago

Dithering on Afghanistan while American soldiers die. Meeting multiple times with Andy Stern of SEIU while not having time to decide on Afghanistan. Calling Afghanistan the important war in March before it wasn’t the important war in October. The man simply can’t say the word “victory,” let alone “victory” and “America” in the same paragraph. Talking, talking, talking to Iran without conditions while being silent as Iranian tyrants arrest, torture and kill freedom-loving dissidents. And then continuing to talk when Iran thumbs their nose at us about their nuclear program. Chairing the UN for a day and failing to disclose the existence of another Iranian nuclear facility, a clear violation of those meaningless/toothless UN resolutions. Forcing French president to drop any reference to it from his UN speech. Refuses to meet with the Dalai Lama because relationship with Communist Chinese cannot be sacrificed. Abandoning our allies in Eastern Europe while coddling Russia as they do war games threatening Eastern Europe. Treating our historic friends, the Brits, with disrespect. Refusing to participate in celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall falling. Completely silent on anything to do with human rights and freedom while coddling tyrants. Bowing to Saudi kings. Pressuring Israel but not the Palestineans. Backslapping and smiling broadly with tyrant Hugo Chavez. Listening passively to 50-minute anti-American rants by Daniel Ortega. Bullying Honduras democracy to reinstate Chavez acolyte who was violating constitution. Contrary to CW, GW Bush had more effective relationships with various countries than Obama has. Obama is unable to convince anybody of anything anywhere, including actions on Iran and Afghanistan. Going on world-wide apology tour about America while failing to speak up for our national self-interest. Passing roughly $800 billion stimulus package that blows up deficit without positively impacting economy. Did I mention nobody read the bill… Read more »

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
14 years ago

Ken writes:
“During the last eight years the United State of America relations with other countries and the United Nations hit an all time low and the US has been thrown off more committees at the UN reflecting other nation’s displeasure of the USA.”
Try “A Delegates Odyssey” by W.F. Buckley. The UN may have changed some since Mr. Buckley was a delegate there, but I doubt it has changed much. I know they are still not paying their parking tickets.

14 years ago

I’m just glad that Ken finally answered a question that I’ve been trying to get answered by any Obama supporter. How long does he have until Bush isn’t his excuse any more. “and in two years start hammering him on things you don’t like”
Ok, so there’s my answer. 3 years. We’ll have successfully ended the wars and get the economy rolling again and back to our place of international respect with all our democratic allies. Two more years. November 2011.

14 years ago

Welcome to the United States of Amnesia!
Bush passes the buck for future slump
Bush blames Clinton administration for economic slowdown.
GOP Blames Clinton for Intelligence Failures
Ashcroft Faults Clinton Era at 9/11 Panel
Plus who can forget the way the President and Republicans courageously apologized for orchestrating the economic collapse. Very funny stuff.

14 years ago

Nice try Russ:
Bush passes the buck for future slump – This one is dated before Bush even took office. Never mind 10 months into his term.
Bush blames Clinton administration for economic slowdown. – This one is dated less than 2 months into his term. Not 10. I don’t think anyone was talking about how Obama hadn’t fixed the economy by March of this year.
GOP Blames Clinton for Intelligence Failures – Yep, wasn’t it true that things could have been prevented if the CIA and FBI were communicating? But the Clinton administration gutted them and prevented them from communicating with each other?
Ashcroft Faults Clinton Era at 9/11 Panel – Ditto.
I agree that 10 months is a little early to say that Obama should have fixed the economy and victoriously pulled troops out of Afghanistan and Iraq, but there sure are a bunch of other campaign statements that have been contradicted by his actions already. That’s all fair game.

14 years ago

Hey, my point is simply that every administration does this and in many cases they’re absolutely right. For instance, I think it’s accurate to say that the economic collapse had its roots in the Clinton administration. I could have sited many, many other examples.
Plus, I find the macho posturing hillarious, as if amnesia and unaccountability are what we “real men” aspire to.

14 years ago

Russ is right, Presidents do not walk into a vacuum. They deal with what is already there. And upon reading donald hawtornes rant, I’m bothered by the fact that an apparently educated man would go to such lengths to sound like a know nothing. In your list of complaints against obama, you bring in many red herrings and things that simply dont back up your original statement. Readings the words you chose in your rant also made clear you get alot of info from many talking heads/ radio personalities, becasue verbatim you used their same wording/issues. Bill Ayers and Wright? Why muck up a piece you spent time on by bringing that up? That doesnt help your case nor is it accurate. Maybe people will respect your criticisms of the President if you keep it on policy. Instead you bring up fake connections that HAVE BEEN disproven and other non-issues. YOUR LIKE THE LEFT WHO RANTED ON BUSH FOR 8 YEARS CALLING HIM A TERRORIST AND FACIST. Stop with the spin and all hte rhetoric, your not the GOP head nor are you an expert in IR. Everytime you personally attack, call him a child, and act basically like a blithering republican lemming, YOU LET HIM HIS PARTY AND HIS SUPPORTERS WIN! Stop with the spin on facts and rhetoric please. Warrington Faust mentioned a book worth reading, and many other commenters here are right in their observations.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Russ-the question posed here is very valid-does a man who is in many eyes,the leader of the free world,have to reach a point where shifting blame ends and repairing the damage begins?
The steps he’s taken on the economy have been both disquieting(deeper government involvement in private enterprise)and risky(what will the end result of the stimulus package portend for our economic future?).
His seemingly ill-thought out actions in the sphere of international relations don’t have a coherent message,except maybe his constant apologizing for his country.That isn’t leadership.
The man just hasn’t had anyone get in his face in a serious way during his lifetime and it shows.He is overmatched with the likes of Putin,Castro,Ahmedinajad,Chavez,and Ortega.execrable as these people are,one must respect their rise through a hardball,and frequently dangerous set(s)of circumstances to where they are now.
They didn’t like Bush,but were wary of him as a trigger puller.They probably didn’t much like Clinton either,but recognized him as ons of their own-in other words,they couldn’t run a head game on a man who had been playing their brand of politics all his life.
They see Barry as a kid with a pocket full of lunch money who’s never had to fight to keep it.I realize that is a simplistic analogy,but I can’t draw cartoons well,so it’ll have to do.
One more thing Russ-you people at RIf were given some advice by the omniscient Crowley referencing a smaller tent for progressives.If his advice is followed(which I hope it is),it will soon be apparent that the progressives alone have the functional equivalent of a political pup tent.
I don’t see this whole debate as a “manhood” issue,more like an experiential and capability issue.

14 years ago

This whole argument is a distraction. Whether Bush’s economic and international programs were failures or not matters little when the current president’s policies are clearly making things worse. When the new false bubble breaks, the economy dives, al Qaeda resurges and the dollar is worthless, it won’t be because Bush cut taxes and invaded Iraq. It will be because Obama-Wright-Ayers have gotten their way.

14 years ago

from Russ’ second link
President Bush argues that the nation’s economic problems began on his predecessor’s watch, but analysts say sooner or later they will all belong to him.
And while most Americans aren’t blaming Bush for the stock market slide and other storm warnings, critics and supporters said that if the slowdown continues, it’s just a matter of time.

In short order, something more important came along, and Bush owned it, despite the conditions causing it having arisen on three (and probably two more) of his immediate predecessor’s watches. As the last phrase says, its just a matter of time before we expect The Won to own the problems. That time is past already. ps – as Noonan suggested, don’t waste time and effort on things a President is too big for – Skip Gates and the Chicago Graft-o-lympics, for example. pps – frequent golf outings are a reward for accomplishing some tasks, not a mechanism to avoid facing them.

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
14 years ago

As I have stated before, Obama is nothing but an affirmative action pick for president. And we know how well that system has fared in this country. If anybody thinks that a white guy with the razor thin resume that is Obama’s would have ever passed the scrutiny of the left wing media sympathizers, they are crazy. And before you liberal liars go calling me a racist (like I give a crap), please do show me where the heft is on that resume that is deserving of the Oval office. Without question, Obama is the most unqualified person ever elected president.
Just why would anybody be surprised that he is falling on his face, and as Don has itemized, been a massive failure to this point.

14 years ago

” If anybody thinks that a white guy with the razor thin resume that is Obama’s would have ever passed the scrutiny of the left wing media sympathizers, they are crazy. And before you liberal liars go calling me a racist (like I give a crap), please do show me where the heft is on that resume that is deserving of the Oval office. ”
Or woman. What did the left say about Palin? And she wasn’t even running for President!!!

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Mike-Geraldine Ferraro,hardly a conservative,said exactly what you did.Heard of her recently?She’s in the media versio of sleeping with the fish.The left wingers made her a non-person.She wasn’t wrong.Neither are you.
Sometimes the truth is REALLY inconvenient.

14 years ago

I am always happy to bring a little humor into a person’s life! Glad you appreciated my words! By the way only mainland tourists can afford Hawaiian Gold mostly on Maui where the big spenders vacation.
What can I say! I think 3 years is a reasonable time limit to see what Obama or any new president or governor can really do on his own first time in office not fighting what was already in place.
Just a note for all, Obama will be back to Honolulu (his birth place) for Christmas this year which normally was an annual occurrence and Michelle Obama has been quoted in print; ”If you really want to understand Barack then you must first understand Hawaii.”
Am I a Barack Obama fan? No I have my reservations; but I’m a Hawaiian fan and willing to give the guy a chance to prove himself like every other president was afforded.

14 years ago

Ken, thanks for the update on the current market for Hawaiian Gold. It was pretty pricey back in the day but nothing we creative high school and college kids couldn’t overcome. lol

14 years ago

Anyone else find it unsettling to see it suggested that the first black president isn’t a “real man” and needs to “grow up” (what other word describes males in that category)? Left me scratching my head a bit.

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
14 years ago

“As an American I am not so shocked that Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize without any accomplishments to his name… but that America gave him the White House based on the same credentials.” – – Newt Gingrich
How true it is.

14 years ago

Anyone else find it unsettling to see it suggested that the first black president isn’t a “real man” and needs to “grow up” (what other word describes males in that category)? Left me scratching my head a bit.

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
14 years ago

Unsettling in what way Russ? That because he is black we therefore can’t criticize him, no matter how incompetent he is? That being black shields him from all scrutiny? It’s just amazing how you lying liberal pukes think. But, if a black was a conservative, well hey now, all gloves come off with you liberal scum.
We should really give thought to forcefully sterilizing liberals so eventually this utter stupidity ends.

14 years ago

Mike, you don’t know me. I’ve actually been quite critical of Obama on RIF. But I’ve never once had a physical threat in response to anything I’ve written until today. Is that what I can expect over here?

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
14 years ago

1) What is RIF?
2) When you say “physical threat” was made, are you talking about when I said “We should really give thought to…”
Is that what you are talking about?
Do you really feel threatened?
You ought to do yourself a favor and just be quiet, because I couldn’t do a better job of demonstrating just how warped and deranged the thought process and mental shortcomings of you stupid liberals is, than to just let you talk.
And, I’m sure that if you’ve been critical of him, it’s because as much as a Marxist as Obama is, it’s still not left-wing loony enough for you.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Mike-On another blog our very own Rhody accused me of threatening a scumbag named Shana Kurland ,when in response to her calling ICE agents terrorists,I suggested that it might be nice if she ran into a real terrorist.It kind of explains my attitude with Rhody.
I wonder if Russ reads some of the crap Crowley puts on RIF about disrupting conservative events such as the Glenn Beck signing or the Tom Tancredo appearance.His comments are thinly veiled threats.In reality his ragtag bunch of protesters are a threat only to public sanitary policies.

14 years ago

“Anyone else find it unsettling to see it suggested that the first black president isn’t a “real man” and needs to “grow up” (what other word describes males in that category)? Left me scratching my head a bit.”
Seeing as that you’re the first one to bring race into this discussion, I guess we see where the views of race are in your mind.
Then again, Obama is also the 44th white president. So what does that mean?

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Liberals are very supportive of “people of color”as long as they act in ways that are approved by the liberal elite.
Case in point:Michelle Malkin is routinely subjected to abminable slurs by the left wingers-she isn’t white as far as I can tell.
Condoleeza Rice was the object of an obscene comment based on her first name in the execrable Philippe and Jorge column in the Phoenix and has been the subject of extreme animus on other leftist sites.
Liberals are really some of the most tacist jerks I’ve ever run into.They exude an aura(or stench) of self-assured superiority when it comes to “those people” behaving in ways that are best for them.It’s patronizing and it sucks.If you’re not a racist,you can be real comfortable in calling out anyone without regard to their race.Criticism should be based on acts,speech,and writings.
I feel no need for “extra sensitivity” in that area because to do so would be the worst sort of talking down.
It is funny how Russ went right to the race card.Jerzyk and Crowley,and Nancy Green have the same tendency.It kind of devalues their arguments up front.

14 years ago

Patrick, my point was just that conservatives must have a tin ear not to realize that language that suggests the word “boy” in reference to this president is going to turn off many. Perhaps this is more amnesia on your part not to recognize the historical context. Not to mention the willful amnesia to suggest I was the first to bring up race…
Ken –

I cringed when everything started pointing to Obama, first Hawaiian and first mixed race African-American ethnicity to be elected to the Presidency of the United States was moved up to a 90% sure thing because I knew if things when wrong he would be raked through the hot coals of damnation and everyone associated with him (race, color and state).
Do I think the attacks are racial at heart? I don’t know.

Tim –

Ken does Obama’s close friend and spiritual guru of 20 years, the virulent racist Rev. Wright, also project that “aloha” spirit??

Joe (yep, Joe, even you went there before me)-

I’m tired of hearing about his racial background.

Mike –

As I have stated before, Obama is nothing but an affirmative action pick for president.

But a liberal mentions race over here and watch out! I can only imagine what might have happened had I brought up the misogyny of discussing “real men” in the first place!

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Russ-I “went there”in direct response to the constant drumbeat about his race-and certainly not only from you.I dislike him intensely because I think he’s an empty suit in terms of what is needed for the job and his asinine and disgusting socialist mindset.And I don’t need a President who can’t stop apologizing for the country that elected him.

Donald B. Hawthorne
Donald B. Hawthorne
14 years ago

How fascinating to read many of the responses. Few seem to want to talk about the substantive issue: Obama manufacturers excuses for his non-performance. And he is, I believe, the first US President to go overseas and publicly trash his predecessor. Call it what you want. I call it wimpy, lacking in courage, lacking in leadership, lacking in a moral foundation. You can call it whatever you like but, regardless, it is not what strong, principled men or leaders do. And talk about thin-skinned! Politics is a contact sport so why is everyone aghast when Obama is criticized. Or feeling a need to twist any criticism into a suggestion of racism. So, here is the other call out – Is criticizing Obama off limits because he is a black man? Sure seems that way. Which is itself a racist concept and worthy of challenge. In a nutshell, the other substantive point is that Obama is a socialist who doesn’t believe in the core principles of America. And he is a foreign policy wimp who dithers without any moral direction. My earlier comment to this post offers the particulars of an indictment. By way of contrast with the overly sensitive types, some of us dish it hard in all directions, writing before the 2008 election that McCain wasn’t presidential timber; that is summarized here. Some of us said the Republicans should lose majority control of the House in 2006 and spend some time in the political wilderness so they could rediscover principles. Some of us sat out the 2006 RI US Senate race because of a belief that neither of the candidates deserved support. Some of us trashed GW Bush and the Republican Congress for their spendthrift domestic policies. Some of us supported and raised money for a black US Senate… Read more »

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
14 years ago

Amen to that,Don!!

Donald B. Hawthorne
Donald B. Hawthorne
14 years ago

From Time to man up, Mr. Obama:

And stop talking about what a lousy hand you were dealt by your predecessor. You’re the president of the greatest nation on earth, now, not he. “One year ago Americans all across this country went to the polls and cast ballots for the future they wanted to see.” You don’t happen to be the future I wanted to see, but okay, you asked for this job and you’ve got it. “We had record deficits, two wars, frayed alliances around the world.” So? We still have record deficits, two wars, and frayed alliances around the world. And 10 percent unemployment for the first time in 26 years–on your watch. So? We know this job is terribly hard: we have only to look at the graying of presidential heads over time—your own included—to get it. So? Time to stop acting like a hipster recoiling in offended disgust over someone else’s embarrassing blunders. Stop taking your orders on Iran from the U.N. Be manful and do your part with the minimum of accusation. All too soon all the blame will rest on your own elegant shoulders.

Mike Cappelli
Mike Cappelli
14 years ago

Something I found absolutely hilarious about the incompetents in the Obama White House was when Valerie Jarrett was asked about the wisdom in criticizing Fox News. Her response was that they were speaking “truth to power.”
Now just think for a second about what that idiot said. She is speaking from the White House – arguably, no more powerful place on the planet – and THEY were speaking truth to power.
Just shows you that these community organizer types will never get it, even when they got it. Always playing the victim/race card. It’s all they know. And it shows just what a liar Obama always was when he said he wanted to bring a new tone to Washington. He never intended to do it.

14 years ago

“Patrick, my point was just that conservatives must have a tin ear not to realize that language that suggests the word “boy” in reference to this president is going to turn off many. Perhaps this is more amnesia on your part not to recognize the historical context.”
Wow. Don suggests that the President needs to “grow up” and you equate that with calling him the racial version of “boy”? Man, you really are pathetic.

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