SNL: The 2010 Public Employee of the Year Awards

The nominees:
Markeesha Odom: Works at St. Louis DMV. At 24 years old, already twice name Missouri’s surliest and least cooperative state employee.
Dennis Cosgrove: School custodian in Queens, NY. Set a record with 3200 hours on the job. All on overtime! Like many NYC custodians, Dennis is a year round resident of Florida.
Anthony Scalise: A clerk in the probate court of Mercer County, NJ. Elevator inspector for the city of Trenton and on 100% disability from his first city job in the sanitation department where an accident left him with a crippling fear of cats.
Watch below for the winner!

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14 years ago

Are you kidding? None of them could hold a candle to Pat Crowley!

Ragin' Rhode Islander
Ragin' Rhode Islander
14 years ago

I wonder if the teachers in the “rubber rooms” in New York City are eligible for an award?
Well, at least this is one award in which Rhode Island would field a very competitive team!

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
14 years ago

The sad thing is that it wouldn’t be funny if viewers couldn’t relate it to everyday experiences. Still, it is only the Tea Party people willing to bring it up to the politicians.

14 years ago

Where are Stuart, Phil and Old Time Lefty?
Come on guys, come to the defense of your “brothers”!

14 years ago

I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry because it was so true.

14 years ago

And people still accuse SNL of being a liberal show.
I got a good laugh out of seeing stereotypes blasted.

14 years ago

I’ll speak for the lefties. There’s no need for a response. We have a sense of humor. I remember laughing till I cried when this was posted on the old RIF blog…
AFSCME (warning adult language)

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