Lincoln Chafee Promises that the General Assembly Will Pass His Tax Increase. Another Potential State Senator Disagrees.

During Friday’s night’s Rhode Island Gubernatorial debate broadcast on WJAR-TV (NBC 10), independent candidate Lincoln Chafee rather blithely asserted that the General Assembly would go along with his plan to extend a 1% sales tax to items currently not taxed in Rhode Island…

If the governor is leading the way on a tax increase…the General Assembly is going to go along. That’s the governor’s leadership. That’s his plan and they can go along with it. That’s going to happen.
As State Senator Frank Maher pointed out in the previous post, Mr. Chafee’s is making a promise and/or prediction about a body that has yet to be elected and whose composition is therefore unknown.
If Sean Gately is elected as a State Senator — he’s the Republican candidate from District 26 (Cranston) — he will be one Senator not supporting the expansion of the sales tax, offering this position on the issue…
I oppose it.
I presume that answer applies, whoever it is that proposes a sales tax expansion, Governor included.

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Sean P. Gately
14 years ago

As I have walked my district and spoken to over 5000 voters face to face this election I find it repugnant that someone even thinks that any tax increase will get us out of this economic disaster we are in. I have hundreds of families that are struggling to buy groceries now. The statement that 1% has no real effect is ludicrous when families are just barely putting food on the table. If I am fortunate enough to get elected I pledge that I will never vote for any tax increase of any kind. We have a spending problem not a low tax burden problem.

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