Taveras’ Proposal – It isn’t just Teachers Taking a Hit

Ian Donnis has the list of Providence Mayor Taveras’ proposed cuts to deal with the budget deficit.

* Effective immediately, the Mayor is taking a 10% pay cut.
* The Mayor will submit a FY12 budget that cuts the Mayor’s office payroll by 10%.
* Effective immediately, 13 non-union positions, including several school administration positions, have been eliminated – resulting in $1.7 million in savings to the City.
* Department Directors have been instructed to submit budgets for next year that reflect at least a 10-15% overall reduction.
* Four to six schools will be closed and a number of teacher positions will be eliminated. On Tuesday, the Mayor published a timeline for the process by which schools will be recommended for closure.
* There will be an immediate review and freeze on all non-essential spending and hiring across City departments. Numerous unfilled positions will remain vacant and will be eliminated from next year’s budget. Moving forward, all hiring decisions must be approved by Director of Administration Michael D’Amico and Chief of Staff John Pagliarini.
* There will be an immediate review and renegotiation of contracts with third-party vendors.
* The City has cancelled its contract with a benefits administration company. This contract cost the City $1.4 million last year. By bringing this service in-house we have created an annual savings of $900,000.
* The City will seek to renegotiate union contracts to produce cost savings.
* The City will negotiate with tax-exempt universities and hospitals to increase support for the City.
* The City will lobby the State to fully implement the Statewide Education Funding Formula.
* The Taveras administration will accelerate the consolidation of City departments and services. This process is underway and next year’s budget will reflect efforts to cut costs while streamlining City services and making it easier for citizens to access government.
* The Taveras administration will actively pursue pension reform.
* Providence will aggressively pursue short- and long-term opportunities to work with neighboring cities and towns to make regionalization of services a reality.
* The Taveras administration will work in close collaboration with the City Council, the State and the community to pursue new ideas for reducing spending.

This makes it pretty obvious that it’s not just teachers who are taking a hit. Ted Nesi has more.
UPDATE:More from Nesi summarizing the report (PDF) of Mayor Taveras’ financial review committe.

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13 years ago

Very good news. I didn’t know Taveras had it in him. Could it be that for the first time in decades (or ever?) Providence has a real mayor?

13 years ago

Crowley and his fellow thugs will be on the radio shortly arguing that these are simple diversionary tactics to distract the public while Taveras makes his final assault on teacher’s rights. The motive for which he will only be able to speculate. Something involving space aliens or the Bilderbergs, perhaps. It couldn’t possibly be the responsible thing to do.
Just goes to show you how the screaming loudmouths at these “workers” rallies only care about themselves and are incapable of viewing these decisions in the larger picture of everybody doing their fair part.

13 years ago

“* The City will seek to renegotiate union contracts to produce cost savings.”
But at what future cost? It always drives me crazy when mayors negotiate a savings today for double the raise tomorrow. What good is that really? If it’s in the contract for a 3% raise this year and next year, but you change that to a 6% raise next year, what have you really gained? And when that 6% comes due, what are the odds that the union will be looking to negotiate again?
As for further “savings”, how about the union leaders all take a 10% cut in their pay, and cut union dues by 10% and pass that savings back on to the city?
I know, you can stop laughing now.

13 years ago

“The Mayor will submit a FY12 budget that cuts the Mayor’s office payroll by 10%.”
Why not just fire his entire staff and then rehire some of them as he needs them for maximum flexibility. Makes perfect sense, right?

13 years ago

“Just goes to show you how the screaming loudmouths at these ‘workers’ rallies only care about themselves.”
Hey, I thought our Randistas thought that was the idea situation. Can’t have it both ways. I guess it’s selfishness is OK for me, but everyone else needs to make sacrifices.

13 years ago

Russ in full meltdown mode sez “Why not just fire his entire staff and then rehire some of them as he needs them for maximum flexibility. Makes perfect sense, right?”
Well Russ if the mayor’s staff was full of bloated overpaid “brothers and sisters” (lol) whose jobs were being protected by seniority rules then you’d have a point. But we all know that’s not the case here Russ. Poor poor boy.

13 years ago

Russ, name one teacher who has been “fired”. You can’t. Not a single one has been. Why keep spreading the lie? Taveras hasn’t fired anyone, nor will he for a few more months. And maybe not even then.
That’s what’s most annoying about the rants from these lunatics, they’re lies and the educated professionals that are teachers are actually buying into it.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
13 years ago

Could it be that for the first time in decades (or ever?) Providence has a real mayor?
Posted by BobN at March 3, 2011 11:06 AM
The only thing you will see is “deferrals”, borrowing and the like. The city is doomed.
And the crybaby cops and firemen will still be “retiring” at 41 to collect half a century of COLA protected pensions. Plus free health care.
Count on it.
If you own property you better sell it now for whatever you can get. The Median home price in Detroit is $6000.
See the light yet?

13 years ago

Russ has me confused with an Objectivist. He also misses the point.

13 years ago

The problem here is that every private school and public school in the region is getting resumes from these “not fired” teachers. Guess which ones get poached?
Great plan! What could go wrong?

13 years ago

You mean those other schools aren’t going to hire strictly on the basis of seniority? What could they be thinking.

13 years ago

Actually, Dan, I think you’re an anarchist (see anarcho-capitalism). No offense intended and I think we basically agree on that one, although I know that’s not the term you use.
I just think it’s funny these Randista’s over here seem to take such offense at the idea that teachers might have a personal stake in the system(and you gave me a good straight line).

13 years ago

I’d be thrilled with a government that actually followed the restraints of the Constitution. Although I don’t think the Constitution goes nearly far enough in that regard if we’re talking about what’s ideal. A government that can force us to buy health insurance and prohibit us from inhaling a weed can basically do anything it wants other than physically imprisoning us without cause. Well, actually it can, as long as they dismiss the charges within a few days.

13 years ago

I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but this whole thing smells funny. Ultra-progressive Taveras, with Matt Jerzyk in his ear, taking on organized labor… I don’t think so. I’m more inclined to believe there’s already been a back room deal sealed with secret handshakes and official union pinky-swears… – make Taveras look like he’s tough on unions …and he’ll slip you a bone when no one’s paying attention…. Journal will miss the whole thing.

13 years ago

Russ, why are you ducking my question? Caught in a lie again?

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