Open Forum: Osama Bin Laden is Dead

Osama bin Laden has been killed. The coward died a coward’s death, hiding behind a woman. Thanks to the dogged determination of our men and women in the armed services and intelligence agencies–in places from the mountains of Afghanistan and Pakistan to Guantanamo–and thanks to our political leaders who continued the hunt no matter the political pressure facing them, this embodiment of evil has met his end. It is a symbolic but important milestone. The big Kahuna-head-of-the-crime-family-Wicked-Witch is DEAD. Ding f-n’ dong! This doesn’t mean the War on Terror is over, by any means. But it let’s terrorists know that we won’t quit.

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13 years ago

“The coward died a coward’s death, hiding behind a woman.”
I wish the SEALs could have gotten a photo of that. Print up a billion copies and airdrop them into every OBL supporting country or area of the world. Here’s your hero!

13 years ago

Patrick — remember that most OBL supporters (at least overseas) would have celebrated the fact that he used a woman for cover since they don’t view women on the same plane as men.

13 years ago

“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”
-George W Bush…..3/13/02

13 years ago

Swazool, how does that help your credibility to go to a fake George Bush quotes site and list one of them without explaining that it came from a fake George Bush quotes web site?
Web Site:

13 years ago
13 years ago

When you use quote marks and attribute it to a person, that means they said each word. I didn’t hear him say what you attributed to him. Yes he did say he didn’t know where OBL is, but he didn’t say he doesn’t care. He was making a bigger point that his focus was on protecting the US from terror not solely hunting down one man at the expense of our safety.
But it is interesting that you bring up Bush at this time. Why? Why is it relevant?
Why not bring up the Clinton administration who was offered OBL by Sudan and he said no thanks? Why not mention the Clinton administration who was attacked at the World Trade Center in 1993. What did Clinton do in response to that? No mention of the sanctions the UN put on Iraq after the first Gulf War and what Clinton did to hold Hussein to those sanctions and apply heat to the UN to enforce them. No mention of any of that? It’s all just old history?

Max Diesel
Max Diesel
13 years ago

Was that a preemptive attack to distract from the I, I, I, my, my, my, speech that Obama gave last night. He deserves the credit and would have received it without the self centered speech. Sorry, I forgot election season has started.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Obama has a BIG target on his back now,and it ain’t from the KKK.
Just remember these are the same bastards that got Benazir Bhutto.
remember when the Tail Tigers took out Rajiv Gandhi with a female suicide bomber?
The Tamil Tigers aren’t Muslims at all,but they share similar tactics.
this could be a serious problem for him during the campaign.
I’m not being nasty,just realistic.I was in college in 1963 so I remember how bad things can get very fast.

Tommy Cranston
Tommy Cranston
13 years ago

No coward. He could have led a Kennedyesque life of debauchery and idle but chose to give his life for what he believed, fighting the 2 most powerful and ruthless (Soviet and American) Empires in history.
Like it or not “them is the facts”…

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

Posted by Patrick at May 2, 2011 9:14 AM
“The coward died a coward’s death, hiding behind a woman.”
I wish the SEALs could have gotten a photo of that. Print up a billion copies and airdrop them into every OBL supporting country or area of the world. Here’s your hero!
Careful what you wish for. I doubt he was actually “cowering”. I am not sure the actual picture would come out making us look as strong, nor him as weak, as might be hoped. We do have societal strictures about shooting women and children.

joe bernstein
joe bernstein
13 years ago

Tommy has a good point-OBL fought the Russians with the Mujahedeen for years.
Just because someone is evil,don’t assume they’re cowardly.
Hitler was decorated for bravery as a medic in WW1.(By a Jewish officer no less-the ultimate irony.)

13 years ago

“We do have societal strictures about shooting women..”
Not when they’re “soldiers” on the battlefield. If you’re in OBL’s main compound, that makes you a soldier in my eyes.
As for the photo, it would depend on what it looked like. A hostage situation like we see on 10 pm crime drama tv shows, sure, that’s one thing, but cowering behind her in a corner with her fighting him to get out of the way, that could be different.

Warrington Faust
Warrington Faust
13 years ago

Failure to produce the body, or even photos is having a predictable effect. I am already hearing rumors/theories that OBL is a captive, that he wasn’t actualy killed (as in not actually present), etc.
I am not giving this much credence. Too stupid a game to play (or is it?).

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