Donald B. Hawthorne

The Two Alternatives Before Us: Educational Programs & Teacher Jobs OR Excessive Adult Entitlements

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 13, 2007 |

Valerie Forti, President of The Education Partnership, wrote these words yesterday in a ProJo editorial: This year, the Rhode Island General Assembly sent a very clear message to school districts and to unions. In level-funding state education aid, after passing a Senate bill last year that checks property-tax increases, legislators sent the message that school…

The NEA in East Greenwich: Reflections On The Week That Was

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 12, 2007 |

Some reflections on the week that was, on what happened last week in East Greenwich and how it connects to broader issues across Rhode Island: LESSON #1: THE NEA LIES REPEATEDLY Just like they did in 2004-05, the NEA resorted to its typical Kremlin-esque disinformation campaign of lies and distortions to the working families and…

Other Public Education News

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 12, 2007 |

Word is in that Franklin, MA settled its contract with a 33% health insurance premium co-payment. Plus step increases of 2%, 2.25%, and 2.5% over 3 years. Starting to make 20% look like a deal! The ProJo weighs in on the teachers’ strikes. More on developments in West Warwick here and here.

Another Lie by the NEA: East Greenwich Teachers Would Take Pay Cuts Under School Committee Proposals

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 7, 2007 |

One of the other lies being spread by the NEA is that the proposals offered by the East Greenwich School Committee would result in pay cuts for teachers. The NEA tried to pass off this lie as fact in 2004-05 and Anchor Rising showed it was a lie then. And it is a lie in…

News Flash: Judge Orders East Greenwich Teachers Back to Work on Friday, September 7

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 6, 2007 |

More details when we have them. UPDATE I just got off the phone with Superintendent Charlie Meyers who told me the Judge made these primary points at court this afternoon: There would be irreparable harm if the children were not back in school tomorrow. The School Department clearly demonstrated the point about irreparable harm in…

The Continuing NEA Disinformation Campaign in East Greenwich: Lies, More Lies & Even Some Melodrama

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 6, 2007 |

The NEA disinformation campaign continues. It is so patheticly transparent that it should be funny. But it is hard to laugh when they willingly and consciously exploit our children as pawns in their game of greed. However, just like we saw during the collapse of the Iron Curtain, technology allows us to immediately skewer the…

East Greenwich School Committee: Press Release & General Update

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 6, 2007 |

A late Wednesday night press release (a Word document) from the East Greenwich School Committee: The East Greenwich School Committee is disappointed and frustrated that the East Greenwich teachers’ union has decided to continue their strike and refuse to return to school. When the Committee asked the union to return to the classrooms while continuing…

Sometimes What is Old is New: Misguided Incentives Drive Public Sector Taxation

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 6, 2007 |

As we debate the teachers’ strikes, some of the issues at stake took me back to my second post ever on Anchor Rising: Talking about a pro-tax ballot initiative defeated in Oregon during 2002, a Wall Street Journal editorial stated: When the budget issue is framed in terms of higher taxes, voters don’t understand why…

The NEA’s Latest Disinformation Campaign in East Greenwich

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 5, 2007 |

I wrote these words about the NEA’s last disinformation campaign in East Greenwich back in 2004-2005: Comments by National Education Association (NEA) teachers’ union officials remind me of words spoken years ago by Soviet officials, whose views of the world were subsequently shown to have no connection to any form of reality. As the union…

A Role Model for Courageous, Principled Public Service: T. J. Rodgers

By Donald B. Hawthorne | September 4, 2007 |

I spent nearly the first 20 years of my professional life attending Stanford Business School and working in Silicon Valley. Like many other young people in the formative years of their professional lives, I observed others who had attributes worthy of emulation, who provided examples of potential role models for the future. Many years ago,…