Donald B. Hawthorne
No missile shield for Poland and Czech Republic and the Iranian missile threat is downgraded. Unilateral appeasement, plain and simple, to countries who wish America ill will. Furthermore, an action taken without realizing any simultaneous concessions from Russia on Iran, Georgia, and other Eastern European countries. Yet another example of how Obama coddles tyrants and…
Obama has stirred a national debate about liberty and the proper role of government – especially the meaning of limited government. Lurking unaddressed in that debate is a key point about whether limited government, as enshrined in our Constitution, is still a viable method of governance in America. William Voegeli raises that point in his…
Honduras: …the Honduran government disclosed yesterday the identity of the officials whose visas have been revoked by the United States as part of Washington’s continuing pressure to reinstate former president Manuel Zelaya, namely, the successor president and 17 other officials…The revocation of the visas for the 14 Supreme Court judges is a nice touch. In…
Mike Pence says it well: I am Mike Pence. I am from Indiana, and it is an honor to welcome the largest gathering of conservatives in American history to your nation’s capitol. There are some politicians who think of you people as astroturf. Un-American. I’ve got to be honest with you, after nine years of…
With H/T to Instapundit, never forgetting means never forgetting about the true significance of 9/11. Jennifer Rubin has more on the growing and deliberate amnesia. We are at war and Obama is in denial. More here, here, and here, too. In addition, Obama’s parallel tendency to undermine our historical allies is driving changed behaviors by…
In advance of President Obama’s speech tonight about healthcare, I have one simple question – If a government-run option is such a good idea for all of the rest of us, why do Obama and the Congress refuse to sign up for it themselves? On a related note, Ponnuru discusses the Left’s disregard for truth.…
There is significant unrest in Iran in the aftermath of their “election.” More here, here, here, and here. Unfortunately, we now have a President whose response to the Iranian unrest (more here, here, and here) shows again how he does not believe in American exceptionalism. Jonah Goldberg pleads for a different approach that endorses freedom.…
Dave Cribbin, quoted in yesterday’s WSJ: In the Chrysler deal, the [United Auto Workers] were unsecured creditors and the Chrysler bondholders were secured creditors. The bondholders received 28% of the value of their $6.9 billion in bonds in cash; the Union will receive stock worth approximately $4.2 billion, and a note for an additional $4.58…
Check out the video. ADDENDUM The original Reagan ad.
We don’t have a lot of people in today’s public life who deserve the word “hero” attached to them. Things were so different some 20-30 years ago when we had three who were shining beacons for liberty in our world: Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II. Yesterday was the 30-year anniversary of…