Engaged Citizen

William Felkner: Freedom Is the Cost of Social Justice

By Engaged Citizen | March 14, 2008 |

On January 28, the London Telegraph reported that 10 percent of the city’s hospitals had denied surgeries to smokers and the obese. Doctors were warning the elderly that they were next; “the health care system cannot afford to give free health care to everyone.” In Canada, citizens weren’t allowed to use anything but government healthcare.…

Dave Talan: Why I’m Supporting Mike Huckabee For President

By Engaged Citizen | March 3, 2008 |

The Republican Party has an embarrassment of riches, when it comes to choosing our nominee for President. Every one of the candidates on our GOP Primary ballot on Tuesday is outstanding, and deserves our support in November if he is running against Hillary or Obama. Senator John McCain is a war hero, and a respected…

Roland Benjamin: Ask Not What Your Country Can Do (to Make You More Productive)

By Engaged Citizen | February 22, 2008 |

Elements of Senator Obama’s economic plan described in this Washington Times editorial have the makings of a staggering economic impact. If you subscribe to the notion that individuals should earn as much as their skills, talents, and minds will permit, then you will be incredulous at the alternative Senator Obama is presenting to the household…

Michael Morse: The All-American, Union Family

By Engaged Citizen | February 3, 2008 |

[The following first appeared on Anchor Rising as a comment to this post.] I grew up in a union household. My father belonged to the IBEW until he was promoted and took a job in management, taking with him the morality and ethics of his union membership. I remember my uncle, Bill, proudly wearing his…

William Felkner: Ideological Corruption on Campus

By Engaged Citizen | January 19, 2008 |

Robert Shibley, vice president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), slammed Brown and URI for their blatant attempts to squelch First Amendment rights in Friday’s Providence Journal: Brown University was home to one of the most mysterious cases that the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) has ever seen — mysterious…

Ken Block: Does Ideology Trump Shared Advocacy?

By Engaged Citizen | November 5, 2007 |

It has been a week since my growing personal disgust with the state of Rhode Island’s politics and politicians publicly overflowed with the creation of the web site www.moderate-ri.org and an accompanying opinion piece in the Providence Journal. In this time, almost 200 Rhode Islanders from many political ideologies lent their voices for the stated…

Roland Benjamin: The Problems with Medicare-for-All

By Engaged Citizen | October 25, 2007 |

Hyperbole aside, Robert Whitcomb’s Projo op-ed from October 19 can be summarized by his one statement:In short, extend Medicare to everyone.He proceeds to use exaggerated estimations of private insurance overhead costs and completes his argument by saying:Then we would not have to hang our heads in shame that Americans are the most unhealthy people of…

Donna M. Hughes: “Women’s Rights and Political Islam”

By Engaged Citizen | October 24, 2007 |

Professor Hughes delivered the following lecture on October 23, 2007, as part of the University of Rhode Island College Republicans’ Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week. Thank you to the URI College Republicans for organizing this week of awareness about a major threat to world peace and freedom. Thank you for inviting me to speak about how this…

Randall Jackvony: “Waiting on a ‘Relevant’ Person”

By Engaged Citizen | October 18, 2007 |

In one of my recent columns for the Cranston Herald, I discussed nappylies.com, a site the Cranston GOP has to highlight the record of Cranston Mayor Michael Napolitano. For input on the tone of politics in the Internet age, I talked with Justin Katz. As I mention in my column, Justin’s responses to my questions…

Michael Morse: “Re: Black-Ties Have the Best Toasts, but Workers Eat Asbestos”

By Engaged Citizen | October 7, 2007 |

The hardest job I ever had was a line cook. 110 degree air, steaks on the grill, fries in the frialator, toast ready for the club sandwich, waitresses waiting, orders coming in, orders going out, sauté ready, steamer buzzing, this one well done, that one rare, fries are ready, I need that club, 86 corned…